Contest Entry - Alien Species

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For animelover7032 's contest

(You probably can't see it, but the Kunshu second to last on the right is holding a mug that says, "Don't Bug Me" with a ladybug on it.)

Planet Name - Iwa

Temperature - Usually around 70 degrees. Winter doesn't exist on Iwa.

Gravity - A lot similar to Earth's moon's gravity

Moons - 4 moons, all named after the first four Kunshu

Species Name - Zoltoid

There's no real meaning to their name, they just thought it sounded cool thus they were called the Zoltoid's from then on.

Description - They're like purple, humanoid goat bugs. They have 3 different kinds, the Isha, Senshi, and Kunshu. They start off looking like Isha's, with a pair of antennae and no horns. As they grow older depending on how they were raised and other genetic factors they will become one of the three aforementioned.

Isha - (Japanese for Medic, Doctor) Isha's remain hornless throughout their lives and are the Medics of their kind. They can use a kind of magic that allows them to heal others of their kind. Isha's develop light purple cross shaped markings on the back of their hands and their shoulders that show they are Isha's. During a battle they will wear a red-bordered white tunic.

Senshi - (Japanese for Warrior) Senshi's develop small grey horns once they reach a certain age and are the Warriors or fighters for their kind. They cannot use magic, but they are much physically stronger than Isha's and are often naturally experienced with weapons such as bows, knives, and swords. They develop upside down triangle shaped markings on their shoulders that show they are Senshi's. During a battle, they were a yellowish green bordered white tank top to allow free movement while fighting.

Kunshu - (Japanese for Monarch) Kunshu's develop long dark grey horns and grow an extra pair of arms, but lose their antennae at a certain point and are the leaders of their kind. They too cannot use magic, but instead are unmatched in wisdom. They create battle plans and keep the economy running. Kunshu's lose their antennae so that they lose the ability to feel- This is so that while ruling or making important decisions they don't let their emotions sway them. While they CAN feel, it is just barely there. They develop a light green flame shaped marking on their chests that represent their position as Kunshu's. During battles, they wear cyan bordered white coats.

Once it is determined whether they are Isha, Senshi, or Kunshu they are trained to become better at their positions. At a certain point, an Isha and Senshi are partnered together and given a house. They are to work as a team during battles. A Kunshu is allowed to do whatever as long as they attend meetings between other Kunshu regularly. Although Isha's are on the bottom on the ranking pole with Kunshu on the top, they are generally treated with respect.

Dragon - (I was planning on making this another entry, but I probably won't get around to it so I'll just add it onto this entry.) Though they have rather animalistic behavior, they are rather smart. They are sometimes given to Senshi's who are considered responsible enough to handle them. During battles, they will fight alongside the Senshi. They can shoot an acidic venom at enemies and are good aerial support.

Bonus: Human Interaction

It's a definite work in progress between the two races.

They're trying at least.

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