War AU Oneshot (probably Crappy)

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"I need Troops in sectors 5C and 6B, Now damnit!" The Master Chief, Shira spat and troops started flocking out of her sight. She looked down at screens and glared at them," Send Air Patrol on the Perimeter stat! We don't want another situation like last Month!" She growled and one of the control Panel workers nodded and started to connect. Shira had been doing this for the mast six years. She ran up to the platform and looked at the control center, and continued to bark orders that only she could give in such a manner. As time passed the more on edge Shira became, and the more irritated she was, making her markings glow.


"WHAT?!" She quickly turned around, only to see a shocked Ria. Shira quickly loosened up," Pardon me, Ryan. It's just... The war.... And you know what today is."

Ria nodded simply," I'll take it from here. Go rest for a while. You just came back from the field, and I don't want you stressed anymore." They smiled slightly," I can't have My Little 'Sis upset now can I?"

Shira chuckled," I'm always upset."

"I bet."

Shira slowly walked off the platform and into other hallways. She walked aimlessly through the hallways, and looking at the ground. The past six years had been hell. She had lost almost all of her children, besides two. Lucas and Bea were the only ones to survive the bomb on their base of her children. She had lost five. All of them were precious to her. Blake, Hope, Akaru, Calace and Luna. They were all gone from this pointless war. She had seen their bodies mangled and burned from the bomb. The only reason her last two sons had survived, was because one had used a protection spell on them both, and Shira just barely made it out. But she could never get the sight of her lifeless children out of her eyes. She could never get them back. Not without her pedestal in her home and that was miles away. And with this war, it was only time before they were killed once more. She herself had not expected to live long. And one other thing she did not expect, was her wife being captured by the Zeno-Knights. And there was nothing she could do. But she spent countless hours and nights trying to get her back, even though the troops called Shira a crazy bag for even trying, she still believed that she could get her wife back. With or without the Necromancer Help.

She was snapped out of her thoughts when her communicator started going of," Shira! We need you in the Medical ward! Now! It's important!"

Shira jumped and nodded," On my way, Rodger that!" She quickly ran off, and skidded through the halls past troops. As she ran she wondered. Why was she called there? Had Terry, Lucas's boyfriend, hurt himself again? Lost another arm? Had a soldier needed his soul fixed? God what was she needed for..?

Shira panted for a minute just outside the door, trying to catch her breath. 'Fuck... I need to do more laps...' She took a deep breath and opened the door. She was directed to a separate room, and walked inside," Alright, what the fuck am I---" Shira froze when she saw the soldier on the Medical table. Patched up with magic and smiling softly, sat her wife. In her camo and dog-tag attire. Shira was astonished," I... I'm seeing things... I'm going crazy..."

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A doctor chuckled and looked at Shira," No, no. Pheniox asked to be kept as a secret until she was healed. She is very much real."

Shira backed away slightly," How..? How did you even escape..?" She shook slightly," They all told me you were gone..!"

"Well after five years of Imprisonment you learn a few weak spots and yada yada." Pheniox let out a puff and looked at Shira and got off the table," I am surprised at how mature you've actually gotten. It's scary." She chuckled.

Shira sniffled and teared up," You... ASSHOLE!" She smiled and ran up to Pheniox, and hugged her tightly, almost crushing her wife. Pheniox simply looked down at her and petted her head. People slowly exited the room to leave them alone as their Chief cried, saying things like "Did they tell you? About the kids?" Or "Did they explain anything? Did they?" After a while, Shira calmed down and smiled slightly when Pheniox kissed her forehead.

"No matter what, you're still my Mishka." Pheniox ruffled Shira's hair and Shira leaned into Pheniox's hand.


"Damn right!"

Shira chuckled softly. She looked at Pheniox," Please... Tell me what you know. Did the doctor tell you about the kids..?"

Pheniox looked down," Yes. They did. But you know what? We'll end this war soon. I am sure." She pulled Shira closer and smiled.


((YUP XD That's it
Sorry it's crappy it was like 12:30 AM XD))

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