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Just found out Trump became President

Not only am I fearful for my future, but the future of my friends and family, and the communities I'm in. When my dad told me I thought he was joking. Nope. And this happened because people decided to vote for a third party or not at all and took votes from Hillary. I hated both candidates but I much preferred Hillary. Now our country is stuck with a Racist and sexist business man who has no morals. It scares me how many people voted for him. They actually wanted us to go wayyyy back when whites were superior and women and other races were the minority. Now republicans can control everything. Take in mind that Trump will soon have our be nuclear bomb codes. Does this scare anyone else? He now controls the power to use NUCLEAR WEAPONS.

A lot of people are terrified and disgusted in our country because of this. It is horrible to know that I am now scared along with many other kids and the communities who have or are trying to get rights (like the LGBT community as an example) who are terrified to live here.

Well, America I hope you're happy because now you've elected this Bigot for years in office. Congrats

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