Tag #1

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@sleepykittystudios Why'd you make me answer questions....

1. Do you like Wattpad?
Well... I am still here.

2. Have you ever dated anyone on Wattpad?
Nope~! Not in real life or online, as I am Asexual.

3. Are you planning on having a crush on Wattpad?
That's an odd question... I don't think anyone plans on having a crush. No, I don't plan on it.

4. Do you prefer drawing accounts or writing accounts?
Both have their ups and downs. I enjoy both if the content is good.

5. Do you watch Anime?
That would be a yes.

6. Do you have any real-life friends on Wattpad?
Nope. Don't like to mix up those two things.

7. Are you confident in your art/writing skills?
I know I can write a paragraph and draw a stick figure... Some people can't say that.

8. Do you like gore?
Yep. Me and gore go hand to organ together.

9. Do you mind cursing?
Fuck fuckity fuck fuck fuck no

10. Do you wish to be popular on Wattpad?
I just want to show off what I do to as many people as I can. Wouldn't mind being popular as long as my personal life isn't involved too much.

Here's some people I'll curse with this tag

@Milleniumwriter @Crying_Kitten @HazelsLament

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