How I draw: Cats

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Here's how I draw le kitties c:

1. Add light circles for head, chest, and rear.

2. Add muzzle and Ears.

3. Lightly make the front legs

4. Darken the front legs and lightly sketch the back legs. Add the stomach as well.

5. Darken them up, add fluff to flank.

6. Fluff to head

7. Neck and chest.

8. Draw back and lightly draw tailbone.

9. Draw tail

10. Eyes :S

11. Nose, mouth, inside of ears.

12. Eyebrows

13. Details. Add anything the character you're drawing needs. Patterns, scars, accessories, etcetera.


15. Take an eraser to this bitch!

16. Time to color >=D yay for being lazy!

17. Sign and write name c:

And that's how I draw... I was lazy coloring Ik.

!!! WARNING !!!
This character belongs to Masked_Bone_Killer !!! You may NOT use their character's design as your own!!

!!! WARNING !!!
This art belongs to ME. You may NOT use it without my permission! If you would like to post my art, give me credit! You may NOT trace, reference, or steal my art!

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