Editting Commission Crap

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Hi! I said this in my conversations, but I'm making this to clear up some stuff. Basically, if anybody wants an editor, I am open. If you aren't interested then you shouldn't read this, but I need somewhere to put it. Here is the shtuff for the shtuff:

Contact: So, I am not comfortable sharing my actual email, but I'll share my Discord and an alt I made specifically for this. Message me directly on Wattpad so I know that you actually want me to do editting crap, because I don't want to just yeet my Discord and alt Gmail out there for random predators and crap. We'll talk through Discord, mainly. Secondarily through Emails. Thirdly through direct Wattpad messages. I don't have that great of resources so we're kind of just stuck with that-

How to actually manage it: I'm thinking that you'd just send me a google doc with the chapters on it- That way I can be set to commenter and you would be able to accept or decline my edits to your own judgement. And no, I swear on my life that I will not spoil it.

Payment: Nonexistent. Don't even worry about it. I'm doing this for my own pleasure, because I can't make myself write, but I genuinely enjoy editting for others. I can at least help out a little since I'm not doing that great on my own chapter writing.

Policy or smth: If you just suddenly pop up here asking for my editting and I've never seen you before, I'm probably going to take a minute to see if I'd like to edit for you or not. I am allowed to decline. If you're someone I've chatted with in comments or talked to in some way before, then we're definitely chill! :D

What I like to write/Fandoms I'm in: If you ask me to edit a fandom I don't know about, I might need a second to educate myself. That usually won't be a problem, though. However, fandoms I'm in are FANF (I've only seen security breach but IK a fair amount), SockSquad/FoolishCrew, Warrior Cats, and Wings of Fire. Crossover are usually fine.

Wills and won'ts: I will not edit for smut, sexualizing of minors, or sexual abuse. I'm okay with editting for violence, addictions, arson, death, suicide, and suicide attempts. I might not be comfortable with a ship you choose, but it depends, so I'd need to know about that type of thing ahead of time (Information about the book is also helpful, but I don't want to know about endings, because I like to read the book as I edit, and I don't want spoilers. You can explain what'll happen in the chapter and mood, but no endings, unless it's the end of the book). Also, drug usage is still a thing I'm trying to figure out if I'm okay with, but I'm only editting, so I think it'll be fine.

Things I'm unusable for: I will not edit your announcements. I just wanna say that cause I feel like someone might ask. I also am incapable of editting chapters bellow 350 words. I need detail. And that doesn't mean be lazy and do as little as possible, only going up to 351. Okay? I'm hoping to actually edit stuff in the or close to the thousands. I only edit chapters, and if you really want me to, book descriptions. Nothing else.

What I'll do: Depends on your comfort zone. Keep in mind that if you don't like something I suggest, you can still decline it and keep the original. IK it seems a bit much, but this is actually what I do for my friend 0Fang_Willow0. The things I can do are (You can pick which ones you'd like. Just tell me):

(Changing what you've already wrote)
-Fix MOST spelling errors (I'm only human, but I'm fairly good at it)
-Fix MOST grammar errors (Same thing)
-Replacing certain words (said, walked, ect.) with more interesting/expressive ones (exclaimed, skittered, ect.)
-Change sentences/dialog around a bit so it's easier for readers to understand/so it flows better

(Adding to your story without changing the mood)
-Add descriptions of items, characters, buildings, ect. to make the things identifiable
-Help to create a sense of time (Using pauses like silences, gasps, getting a character lost in thought, ect.)
-Add extra dialog/sentences to just generally add more to the scene, whether it's for funny reasons or serious

(Signals and help)
-When you can't thing of something/are too tired to at the moment, you can leave something like "[insert description of character]" and I'll do it for you, as long as I know how. When you come back, you can always tweak what I've wrote. IK not everybody likes this, so if you don't want it, then don't ask for it  :)
-If you get stuck in an area I can suggest different ways you can lead on to where you wanna go. Just lmk so I can
-Sometimes I'll put slashes between two words. That usually indicates that you can pick which ever one you prefer, or neither of them if you think of something better
-If you need help coming up with chapter names I'm open for suggestions! :D

Conclusion: If there's anything I missed or any questions, feel free to tell me or ask! I'm genuinely just bored and can't push myself to write, so I want to be helpful in other places! I actually can edit somehow without feeling mentally drained. Anyways, if at anytime you want me to stop, just say so, and I'll drop the book (I'll probably still read it as it comes out though). Again, just directly message me and we can talk! :D

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