Star Worlds

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Lemme just- *Casually drops 3 more character designs + Tim again because why not*

Aight, going left to right, we got Dilo, Tim (You know him), Aster, and Spiff. Dilo is an albino alligator, Tim is a siamese cat (You know that already), Aster is a ring-tailed lemur, and Spiff is a Chinese Pangolin.

I'm planning on making a comic out of these, or if not then at least a normal book with many drawings put throughout it. I'ma call it Star Worlds. Uh yeah that's what I have to say. Also there is three more characters coming either tonight or tomorrow so be ready-

Also hecc Dilo's character design has CHANGED (I had him for another story I was planning on making but then I gave up so now he's in THIS story :D). Like damn look at the difference after 7 months (IDK why it's suddenly pixelated but yeah)

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