Mystery Fox(Soon to be known)

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Here's a drawing I spent half an hour on, I know because my brother set me a timer for an hour until he can steal the iPad again, I was like 'whaaaaaat' when I saw it was down to thirty three minutes o. o Maybe you'll see why it took so long when you see the drawing.

If ya'll are wondering(even some may not), yes, he's a character for "The Five Foxes"...And no, that does not make the title "The Six Foxes", just no, he'll be shown in another book regarding the foxes in the current book, okay? He is not related to Sinister in colour, if you want to ask some things about him well, I'll entertain some questions only(for it may be too much spoilers for the next "The Five Foxes" book).

This was done on Animation Creator HD, I had to test some things to make the fade-y snow wind and the shading on a separate frame, like I said, it took half an hour. Please appreciate it, do NOT steal it, just PLEASE, that's wrong.

Thank you sweethearts! ❤️

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