Cat form 2

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Name: Orchid

Age: 3 moons

Gender: Non Binary 

Sexuality: Pansexual 

Personality: A loud, energetic, friendly, Crazy and Insane kit who will not let anything slide. They loves to run and prefers to run


Strengths: Very fast, Agile, Can tell jokes 

Weakness: Can't fight too well, accidentally scratch themself sometimes

Rank: kit, loner

Clan: none

Mate: none 

Crush: Open 

Kits: none 

Other: Is a loner who joins Hilllockclan later

Password: Already done

Name: Silversong

Age: 24

Gender: She-cat 

Sexuality: Bisexual Cupiosexual

Personality: A quiet and lazy she cat. She may seem dangerous but she generally doesn't care. She doesn't care what you do. She a lazy, sleepy and downright down to earth cat who will look for clues before accusing. She doesn't care what you do as long as her Clan, her or anyone she cares about aren't affected. She a gentle giant who really good with kits. 


(She a more larger breed)

Strengths: Very high Venom tolerance, Very sneaky, good body strength, good eye for solving mystery

Weakness: Only eats snakes (rarely eats the other prey unless need to), Not too fast, A bit of a loner, sometimes a bit lazy

Rank: Warrior 

Clan: Gulchclan 

Mate: none 

Crush: Open 

Kits: none 

Other: She lacks a willingness to do stuff most of the time

Password: Done 

Name: Shiningpaw

Age: 7 moons

Gender: Tom

Sexuality: Gay/Poly

Personality: He is a shy, gentle, Sweet and Sympathitic guy


Just imagine him with skinny fur

Strengths: Very good sense of hearing, Very fast, High jumper, Good with kits

Weakness: Gullible, Not the smartest, gets distracted easily, Don't have many friends 

Rank: Apprentice 

Clan: Hilllockclan 

Mate: none 

Crush: Open 

Kits: none 

Other: He is very small guy

Password: done

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