Daichihydras world

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Type: "Not too bad"This legal system is a little lenient, ignoring some crimes and leaving others undefined.Legal/Legally Protected:Illegal
(But Ignored):- Slander
Neither Legal Nor IllegalFrequently ProblematicPunishments for criminals include:- Ostracism
- Execution by firing squad
- Public humiliation
Taboos and Social AttitudesSocially Accepted Behaviours:
- Blowing your nose in public
Major Social Problems:
- Theism
- Bullying
- Prejudice

Major Taboos:
- Poor mental health
- Public nudity
- Talking about death
- Domestic abuse
Minor Taboos:
Punishments for breaking Major taboos include:- Confiscation of wealth
- Death by combat
- Sanctioned bullying
Punishments for breaking Minor taboos include:- Ostracism
- A large fine
- Community service
- Counselling


This moderate misty, thick forest is around 24 kilometres from North to South, and roughly 26 kilometres across from East to West, covering almost 240 sq kilometres.

The ground between the trees is covered in dead leaves, fruit trees and edible plants are in short supply, and safe drinking water is hard to find.

It is home to an exotic range of different plants and some rare species of animals.

It is still young and is notable for its history.

Deep within the forest, rare herbs can be found.

There is a mountain range to the North, a desert to the South, woodland to the East, and an expanse of high hills to the West.

These creatures are worshipped by a giant ancient civilization who also like Wakanda. The cheif is connected to the ruling royalty 

The normal clothing is advanced but the Duchess wears this

They also carry this staff for weapon and status 

Current leader -

They are monsters or humans

Their language is Caoloso


Hello - Harru

Bye - Baea

Eat - Eos

Drink - Dremd

Sleep - Sraav

Help - Harv

Fight -  Fesrs

Great -  Graos


Biennial (Grows the first year, flowers the second year, then dies)

This tall flower grows up to 8 feet / 2.4 meters tall. Its yellow-green stem is very thin and straight, and the small, yellow-green leaves are light yellow-green on the underside and are broad and flat with smooth edges; a pair of leaves grow at the base of the flower head.

3 to 6 flowers grow on alternate sides up the length of the stem. The flowers are 18 inches/46 cm wide, with petals that are eitherpastel red or indigo, with a yellow center. The flower head is is made up of 24 petals; the lower layer of petals are flat, while the upper layers form a tight tube.

The scent is weak and is earthy, and it has lots of pollen; it can cause severe allergic reactions. It is pollinated by the wind but is also visited by one species of insect in particular.

Flower Facts

- The leaves and petals are often used to make tea.

Perennial (Grows and flowers repeatedly for more than two years)

This short, orange-yellow grass grows up to 15 inches (38 cm) tall. The long, narrow leaves grow in thick clumps that are flexible.

When mature, a crescent-shaped flower head grows at the end of an elongated stem, eventually opening up to reveal dozens of tiny dark brown spikelets.

During the early autumn, it produces a tiny amount of pollen, and after flowering, it is left with plenty of grains.

The grains are bland but very healthy and can be used to make numerous baked goods.

The grass is suitable for making paper, and as food for grazing animals.

Grass Facts

- They grow well in the sun and full shade.

Deciduous (sheds its leaves in winter)

This tree grows to up to 20 feet (6 meters) tall and lives for up to 25 years, with the oldest known specimen being around 42 years old. It is very resistant to disease but is susceptible to destructive insect infestation.

It has a branched wavy trunk covered in delicate, knobbly, yellow-brown bark, and inside, the hard wood is burgundy-brown. The excessive amount of branches are short, rigid and upright and end with sparse amounts of giant, sickle shaped, green leaves with toothed edges. The leaves themselves are delicate and soft.

In early spring, it produces sparse amounts of tiny, violet blossoms with 7 spiral shaped petals. They have barely any scent and are very delicate.

In early summer it produces tiny, long, straight fruit. The clammy cyan skin is stretchy and inedible, and the purple flesh is sweet and juicy. The blood red seeds are large and are scattered throughout the fruit.

The roots form a tightly packed ball, and overall the tree is sturdy and difficult to uproot.

Forests of this species feature trees spaced far apart, with clear space between them.

Fruit Tree Facts

- They absorb an exceptionally large amount of water each day.

Shrub type:Coniferous (Evergreen - keeps its leaves all year round)

This shrub grows to up to 7 feet (2 meters) tall and lives for around 59 years.

It has numerous sturdy, crooked stems covered in hard, ridged, brown and grey bark, and the wood inside is white, black speckled.

The branches are very long and slender with hundreds of twigs that end with bunches of spear shaped, yellow-green leaves with wavy edges. The leaves themselves are delicate and sticky.

In late summer it produces a thick sheet of magenta blossoms with broad, flat petals. They have strong, perfume scent and are sturdy.

In early winter small pleated fruits ripen. The hairy indigo skin is delicate and bitter and sour, and the dull green flesh is salty and oily. The blood red seed is and sits at the end of the fruit.

Shrub Facts

- Several parts of the shrub have medicinal properties.


It is a drug derived from the fruit of an abnormal plant. It is easy to manufacture. There is no antidote.

It can be concentrated into a white, odorless, savoury liquid that is easy to detect within other substances.

It can be mistaken for another substance entirely and ingested; it takes small amounts to be effective.

It goes unnoticed until it passes a threshold; severe damage follows, and sometimes, death.

It mainly affects the functions of the brain.

Additional effects include difficulty swallowing, and later mild shortness of breath.

It is an inorganic compound derived from an abnormal element. It breaks down quickly in certain substances.

It can be concentrated into a colourless, odorless, salty gel that can be disguised within other substances.

Injected into the bloodstream, it takes large amounts to be effective.

It causes severe symptoms and agonising pain.
It mainly damages the digestive system.
Additional effects include dermatitis (itchy, dry skin), and later moderate sweating.

It is an inorganic compound derived from an extremely rare element. It is deadly even in its unrefined state. It is volatile and becomes inert quickly. There is no antidote.

It can be concentrated into a black, odorless, tasteless solid that is completely undetectable within other substances.

It is highly soluble and can be absorbed through the skin easily; it only takes tiny amounts to be effective.

It causes an increasing series of problems, then death.

It mainly targets the sensory organs.

Additional effects include temporary hearing loss, followed by anosmia (smell blindness).


A meat-based snack suitable for a carnivore, suitable for any time of the day.
It is a crispy, battered piece of shank, well seasoned with strong oils.
It's a local delicacy.

A meat-based snack suitable for a carnivore, often eaten as an after-breakfast top-up.
It is a thick, meat-based smoothie, heavily seasoned with sugars.


A sharp, sweet and sour drink with a strong aftertaste. It is clear and brown. It's best served hot, and when sold in restaurants and bars it is expensive and served in a mug with lime. Large quantities can induce a feeling of increased strength. It is very addictive.

A weak, savoury drink with a bland aftertaste. It is clear and pink. It's best served freezing, and when sold in restaurants and bars it is quite expensive and served in a regular glass with lime. Large quantities can induce drunkenness. It is high in calories.

A very strong, sweet and sour drink with a very strong aftertaste. It is opaque , white and has a fine foam. It's best served freezing, and when sold in restaurants and bars it is cheap and served in a cup with an olive. Large quantities can induce a feeling of comfort.

A weak, spicy drink with a bland aftertaste. It is clear and black. It's best served room temperature, and when sold in restaurants and bars it is reasonably priced and served in a tall glass with cocktail umbrella. The first sip often causes coughing fits. It is very high in sugar.

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