I hope this is at least able to look sexy (smut? Warning)

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"Muy divertida querida." (Very funny dear) Came a husky voice as you looked behind you, your eyes widened at the sight of your husband. His dark yet milky complexion was basically steaming and still wet. His beak show a sweet yet smug smile. His golden eyes gleamed a hungry beast. He licked his beak as he basically got closer to you, still holding his towel up. You were cornered. You couldn't escape, this guy basically was toned and beefy. "Entras en el baño, vistiendo nada más que mi chaqueta y mi sombrero y esperas que no me dé cuenta. oh estás equivocado y / n." (You come in the bathroom, wearing nothing but my jacket and sombrero and expect me to not notice. oh you are mistaken y/n.) He whispered in your ear, a clawed finger tracing your thigh as he smirked. "Debería castigarte por asumir." (I should punish you for assuming.)

Hey! So this is my first time writing a smut story well...semi smut. Idk if I should continue it. Hope you enjoyed!

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