"What If You Had A Brother?"

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I'm kinda making this like a Q and A with Kiki and Swift. May include the rest of the characters.

If you can't see what they're saying then here ya go:

Kiki: If I has a little brother, I might call him Koko! We might sound likey twins! Heehee! Mama might call him that too! I'll likey having little bro!

Kiki: I'll like having twin lil bro, I guess, heehee

Kiki: But, I would not likey having big brother, he'll call me small! And tease me! Pfft!

Swift: Having a little brother won't be so bad, having a 'twin' little bro is what I don't like. Why?

Swift: Because I would have to "like what he likes" whenever he wants! I would NOT want to like WRESTLING!

Swift: But having a BIG bro, I'll love! Because hw'll be supportive, caring, and LOVING!

I'll do more of this. I'll leave some names for the next Q and A and two questions to choose from:

- Jake
- Izzy
- Kyle
- Hunter
- Laika


- Laika and Kyle
- Izzy and Jake
- Kyle and Jake
- Hunter and Jake
- Jake and Laika

- "Would you rather have no friends or siblings?"
- "What would you do if you could do ANYTHING?"

Question, name/s or collabs with most votes will be used for next Q and A.

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