My OC's without trauma

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I took a few of my OCs and took their trauma. Let's see how they turned out.

If Akik hadn't been kidnapped as a child...

He was driven insane and killed himself at age 10, overwhelmed by the voices of Demonkik and Angelkik.

Cinder if the Unspoken war never began...

She lived her life normally, and died naturally at the age of 37 (her life span is somewhat shorter due to her wolf side).

Tonix if the power plant hadn't blown up...

Also lived normally. Never went by Tonix, never met Anatox, was never tortured and tormented by himself.

If Vizor's parents never died...

He works with his father at his laboratory. He never meets Dawn, never starts the Demon-Angel war. He still doesn't mind murder, he just only does it in the form of test subjects.

Akhet if [file access denied]...

Never [file access denied], therefore never died. She manages to get enough help to pull her from depression, and [file access denied].

If S!Socks/Nicholas had a decent parent...

Wanted for multiple crimes, a serial killer. Hasn't been caught yet, as far as we know.

Two sides of my OCs without trauma: lives normally, serial killer/dead.
Lol, anyway that's all goodbyeeeeee

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