The b o i s

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We got Yin, Yang, and Harmo- I mean Harm

They all kind of got redesigns

I'll give as many fun facts as i can without spoiling Angelic
Don't mind me overusing the same background

This is Yin. Technically he's the second oldest, but everyone seems to see him as the oldest (kinda like how Zeus is technically the youngest and Hestia is the oldest of the Greek Olympians but most people don't even know who hestia is-)

As the ref says, he's the god of Light, Fate (this is a job divided between him and Yang and previously Harm), and just all things good in general, as his name suggests. He's kind of the leader figure in the Timespace place (No I'm not elaborating on what that is) for Yang buuuuut Yang is like a naughty lil child and doesn't listen very well

They're all the same species (deity) but he's seen as an angel.

Yang. He's basically Yin's opposite, but also not entirely. Like, although he's not someone who likes taking orders he'll still take them because Yin is not very fun when he's mad- ANYWAY
He's kind of just death itself basically, and at one point he was just simply Death. But then I got the idea for Yin and it all went out of control from there

Despite him being the god of darkness and death and all that jazz, he's not some crazy murderer. He's pretty nice once you get to know him (assuming you stay on his good side). His strange hobby is collecting powerful souls when they die (though he isn't in charge of killing them, he's just there when they die) just for the sake of doing it. Yin questions him for it but doesn't get in his way when he does it.
This is also why he was kind of mad about Blaza being sent back down and why Angelic is even really happening.

We got Harm now. Like I said, he looks like Cruella. But we don't talk about that, it was unintentional.


He's the oldest of the three. I won't say too much about him because of spoilers that will be revealed later on in Angelic. He was previously the god of balance and, of course, harmony, along with the shared responsibility of controlling fate and time with his brothers. However, he's currently known as the god of chaos and mechanics. Honestly after making him I wished I had made his nickname Discord because NOW I REALLY WANNA HAVE A CHARACTER NAMED DISCORD AGH
Discord's his canon name now and there's nothing you can do to stop it. That might become official later on in the book.

He have a robo hand because first of all
and second of all

Here's some facts about them:
- since they were kind of based off of a Chinese-originating concept (I think it's Chinese i actually can't remember oh crap-) they can speak Chinese. But they're also omnilingual (is that the word?) so that really doesn't matter too much. They're just mainly English/Chinese.
- this is also how I kind of made their designs.
-they reside in a place called Timespace which I'm not explaining,
- the yin-Yang symbol on both Yang's and Yin's right hands used to be full black and full white, respectively. Not getting into that either.

Thats it

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