The rest of the cards...

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This did not take as long as I thought-

Reposting these because I slightly changed them, not very noticeable but I like them better now.

Now for the new ones!

First off, Candy Gradient! This one might be my favorite ngl :3

CG is the 5 of hearts, which represents a time of change. I chose this for him because he was very unexpectedly thrown into Gradient's care (against his will), and since then Gradient's been... annoyed that he has a son, I guess, but deep down he probably cares at least a little- 

Candy Joocie! For Juice I chose the Jack of Hearts. The Jack of Hearts represents a lover or best friend. While Joocie obviously isn't a lover of any kind, he is very close to his wisher, Meme, and if that's not worthy of the Jack of Hearts, idk what is.

CJ belongs to Squishy (I've given up on tags, they do not work on computer-)

Of course we have the newest addition to the BSRP, Agro! God, he's so cute-

Agro is the 2 of Hearts. The 2 of Hearts shows "it's time to spend some quality time with loved ones." I'm not even going to elaborate, I'll just death stare Fotia and hope y'all get the hint-

Agro belongs to Endera and Fluffy.

Johar! :D

Johar, the 6 of Hearts, represents a time of peace and harmony. When he joined the RP, it was kind of a calm before the storm, due to something happening and Fotia turning evil for some reason (I remember something shard Fotia and Arin dying so that Gradient could be freed from his head, but that's about it-). He's also just a generally wholesome dude, much like Agro, and tends to bring out the good side of Fotia :)

Johar belongs to Fluffy.

Candy Blaza, of course :D

He's the Ace of Hearts, resembling a new beginning. I'd say this suits him because he was, of course, made by Socks to bring back Blaza, so I'd say that's something of a new beginning.

Random note, but I made all these kids in the heart suit, because of how wholesome they are :)

CB belongs to Squishy.

Ah, Meme. I almost feel sorry for making you kill Soren. But I also don't :)

Meme is the Jack of Clubs, which is "an honest and trustworthy person who may be your friend." I mean, he has his fair share of secrets, Gradient can tell ya that firsthand, but overall I'd say he's a very kind and honest person. I can tell he's genuinely worried for Socks at times, always being there for him even if Socks is being an a-hole, so he seems to be a great friend to him.

C!Meme belongs to Squishy.

And now my two bonus cards...

Leading here with Soren! This was my first ever drawing of Soren like ever, he didn't even have a design before this-

The 3 of Hearts is "like a third wheel, represents indecision or a lack of commitment [in a relationship]." There's no relationships here except for Soren being Arin's best friend in life, but this was meant to represent how he was dragged into everything without much consent and was basically forced to undergo a lot of trauma before his eventual death. Poor guy.

And finally, Candy Nadwe as the 3 of Spades!

The three of spades represent "tears from a stressful situation involving bad news, indecision, or fear." If you don't get how that applies, you don't know CN XD

CN belongs to Squishy.

Also extra, a card back for this small deck :) thank God and Neph multiple months ago for symmetry tool-

Anyway this was fun, now I shall create animation goodbyeeeee :D

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