We got another ghosti boi in hell

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Meet Barley. He's the bartender at a bar in Hell (one that both Gradient and Sasha frequent :)

He's interesting because he's probably the most sane one there-

In fact he refrains from violence, and prefers it that people don't fight or kill people in his bar (though it's hard to stop that. Most respect that rule because they all agree that without Barley there would be no bar XD). He also doesn't swear at all unless he's really ticked off or angry.

Other lil infos about him with art:

(Apologies for the awful camera quality)

(Original sketch of him)

If he's giving this look, you better stop what you're doing because he's ticked lol.

Fun fact: he died with a gambling addiction. So he has this in his pocket (he'd been carrying it when he was killed, which was by a gunshot to the head). It's also why his pupils look a bit weird: those dots are resembling dice, and change with his mood.

I feel like he and Spade might not get along because of that despite them kind of having similar personalities lol

Just a doodle of him

Now on to other things

Someone brought a stuffed animal that looked like this cat to Japanese club. So I drew him.
All hail the Pickle.

Hyde because why not

In piano class I was hit with a wave of nostalgia when we played "My Darling Clementine" (we sang it a bit in elementary school) so I drew Clementine :)

Commander \_[:)]_/

How y'all feeling today? Just a vibe check :3

That should be allllll have a good dayyyyyy :D

What are you-

What are you doing-

Hey now, I didn't say you could-

Why are you so persistent?

Fine. Fine.

You can see it.
But I'm not telling you what it's for.

You're sure?

Alright. Here you go.

Do what you wish with this information.

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