Contest 9 Results

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Hey so I did the awards a day earlier than I was going to because I actually started organizing the entries earlier than I normally do

Hi I have said before that I was going to do one more contest before I possibly stop doing contests but I have school in four days. You may not know but I'm a junior in high school and this is going to be a very busy year for me. I really don't think I will have the time to do theses contests and I'm very sorry about that. I would say look out for holiday breaks because I may find time to do a contest during those! Anyways onto the results,

Theme 1:
1st place is teabee-

2nd place is PjoPoseidonChild

Theme 2:
1st place is WashedOutGay

2nd place is shreyaghosal1

3rd place is nakamuramichiko684

As I have said before prizes are flexible so just ask me and I'll do it

Bye for now! I really will try to do another contest at some point this year but please don't be mad if I can't. I am gonna have a lot of work this year and I may need to get a job so please just be patient. I will try my best.

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