Results (April fools version)

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Hey everyone! So I know this is all short notice, but I am moving the deadline for my art contest to today! I said that you all would have until April 10th, but I changed my mind because I honestly want to get this over with. I think I made the deadline way too long, and I honestly should have just told you guys earlier. Sorry if you wanted to participate!

To all of the people who competed, I want to say that EVERYONE did a fabulous job! This was a hard decision for both SilverStar2021 and I, so just know that even if you weren't picked, your art was still amazing!

So in third place, we have....

SeaWing_Storm! I absolutely adore your art piece, it looks EXACTLY the way Owltuft looks! The anatomy is amazing, and I can tell that you put a TON of effort into it just by looking at it! I also love the shading and color pallete! overall, WONDERFUL job!

In second place we have....


YES SUCH A WONDERFUL EXCUSE FOR NOT DRAWING ANYTHING! I am seriously hoping that someone here has watched ATLA or else I completely wasted this amazing reference-

And finally in first place we have.... DRUMROLLL PLEASE!


YES WORMKIT IS AMAZING! I love the anatomy, and this has such an amazing color scheme! The shading is on point, and it DEFINITELY doesn't look like something that was drawn in 30 or less seconds!

And now for some honorable mentions! Please look at the contest page so you all know who I'm talking about!

_Softrain123_- I loved how expressive she looked! And the way you made her look like she was melting into a blob was absolutely fantastic!

WarriorLedgendGirl12- OMG WOW SO AMAZING! I can tell how much effort you put into it, just... AMAZING!

Congrats to everyone who won, and congrats to everyone who competed as well!

P.S: This may or may not be an april fools prank 😏

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