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ALL GIRLS WERE in a bunch with pink matching outfits and a pink tennis cap on. One of the worker hit the speaker a few times making screeching sounds before it started working again "Today we'll be going on a trip. This challenge will further grow the relationships between the ladies and the gentleman. You'll be enjoying your first trip out of town together. Today's challenge is racing to love. A treasure hunt"

That's when the guys stepped out colored cars which made the girls scream except 3 girls. Hea, Chanel, and Day. All girls looked down at their smartwatch and rolled... Hea got red. They all walked to the car that they got. And just in Hea's luck she got stuck with Day and Chanel.

"This challenge is adapted from a board game with dice. These are the rules. Players roll the dice and travel a set of distance until they cross the finish line. The numbers on the dice indicate which checkpoint the team must travel to. The dice can only be used one time. Players will be receive a new set, after clearing the game at each checkpoint. There are secrets cards hidden at certain checkpoints. If any of the ladies find the card, they can use it to steal points from last rounds winners. The team that finishes last will be sent home. When you're ready, you can began by rolling the dice"

(Ima skip this game towards the end, if you don't mind)

On their way to the finish line their right back tire had popped. How? They have no clue. Son got out the drivers seat to get the extra tire and tools from the back while the girls sat in the car. Hea grew confused after a while when she didn't feel the car moving from him fixing it so she got out the passengers seat walking over standing next to him as he stared.

"You gotta be kidding me. You don't know how to change a tire?" Hea sighs crossing her arms.

Son looked up at the girl "Yes, I do, now go wait in the car"

Hea rolled her eyes and turned to walk back into the car when Max pulled up with his team. He stuck his head out as he stopped "That's a tough break, my friend. But the winner of this game is the first to cross the finish line" he looked away from Son and to the black haired girl "Hea, it's been a pleasure" he blew a kiss then drove off.

Day got out the car frustrated and pushed Son lightly out the way and began putting in the new tire. Hea laughed at Son's expression as he watched Day. Soon after they all got back into the car and Son drove so fast.

Once they got to the finish line they all jumped out the car running onto the long deck. The girls quickly stopped running since they ran out of air but Son was now running side by side by Max.

Max unzipped his jacket as he ran throwing it on the ground, then Son did the exact same thing. They both leaped at the same time stretching their arms... Son pressed the red button first though.

Hea, Chanel and Day all jumped and down and hugged each other, quickly letting go acting like that had never happened.


Hea was currently talking to Day, while Son and Max sat on the beach chairs watching the sunset talking to each other also. Max crossed his legs "it was close. Next game, I'll win"

Son chuckled "if you'd managed to open that chest in the first game, you might've won it. Tell me, what makes the most competitive guy, into a great, big, mellow one?"

Max didn't reply through words but he did with his eyes. He took off his sun glasses and looked over at Hea before glancing back at Son "and what made our little Ice Prince run like his life depended on it?"

Son slicked his hair back before looking at Day who was laughing at something Hea had said.


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