Characters Info

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This is my characters info

Alice Clearwater
Birthday: 14 may

Alice is a family person that is very protective of them. Love her big brother and cousin alot. She is pretty as a fairy. Often sneak out with them. She is a daddy girl. Can often get away from trouble by acting cute. Watch out to not talk bad behind their back. Alice will curse you. She possess a ocean amount of mana. She is a strong fighter and smart. She enjoy traveling. Her brother didn't like the idea she is on a place so far away but then accepted when he put a tracker on her clothes (she doesn't know)

WingDing Gaster
Birthday: ?

A boss monster skeleton that live for centuries. He enjoy sciences and electronics. Often cope in the lab and doesn't know when the time pass by as he often pull an all nighter. Enjoy coffee cannot live without it.

Sofia Clearwater
Birthday: 30 March

She is easy-going. Enjoy technology. Like to dismember objet and put it back together. Is a genius hackers. Often help to strengthen her uncle company security system. Always together with her cousin Zero. Would make sure her cousin doesn't ran off somewhere out of reach and put a tracker on her to know exactly where she is (doesn't know)

Nova Clearwater
Birthday: 15 may

Baby of the family. Enjoy spending time to the lab. Often help her father. Favorite hobby Create weapons and test them. Like spending time with her cousins


A living God that often come to the human world to mess around. He is powerful but he is lay back. Don't hurt who he care cause he will erase you from your existence in a snap of his fingers. Wear a mask all the time but only take it off when he is only on the presence of his wife and children.

Claudia Salazar
Birthday: 20 March

She is the youngest of the Salazar siblings. Have her mother apparence but have the same hair color than her father. She is sweet to her family. Enjoy spending time with her brother. Would pout when her father and brother have to leave for work. Her way to greet someone is cold and indifferent. She doesn't like new people. But once she warm up to you she would be less cold to you


He is the demon of words. He use his power to control anyone within 5 meters of him. Will communicate telepathy but he can use his own voice too. He love birds and often rescue some. He is soft when it's come with his family but harsh when you first meet him. Don't approach him if you have nothing to said. He get annoyed and use his power to make you get away

Maximilian De La Rosa
Birthday: 9 April

Max for short. Co-owner of the Chocolate Delight shop. He is the chief patisserie. First time you met him he look scary and angry but once you know him he is actually a nice guy to hang out with. Doesn't have many friends. Prefer the company of his family better. Have done some service in the army in the past. Doesn't talk much of those time only his closest confidant know about it (which is only his sister and brother-in-law)

Isabella De La Rosa
Birthday: 9 April

She is the twin of Maximilian. Co-owner of the shop. She is responsible of the legislation and the front counter. She is gentle and nice but can be scary if you hurt her children.

Yuri Hyuga
Birthday: 18 August

He is a military man. Have been promoted as commander at young age. Have a mysterious power that make him scare by his enemies. Only his closest friends know and family. He have acquaintance but only have 2 best friends. Didn't contact them for years. But carry a picture of them whatever he go. Marry to Isabella and have 4 kids with her. Love his family. Hate to be used and see his love one get hurt.

Alexei De La Rosa
Birthday: June 10

He is the oldest of the family. He is a well behave person. He will protect his little siblings no matter what. He often panic when under pressure but manage to finish his tasks. Train often with his father. Wish to join the army once he is at age.

Anne De La Rosa
Birthday: 16 April

She is a easy-going girl. She is the second elder siblings of her family. She look innocent and naive but she can be pretty bold when it's come to her friends, family and lover. She enjoy making clothes. She is good at making stuffs with her hands. She would make clothes for her siblings when she need a model. She love the ocean and would go any chance she can get to just swim around. Anne may look weak but she can defend herself pretty well (thanks to her military father)

Luna & Light De La Rosa
Birthday: 6 September

Younger children of the family. They are both artist. Luna is great with painting and light with pictures. Both different personalities. Luna is shy and soft spoken. Light is hyper and friendly. They are always together and they are best friend with Sofia and Zero. They often get drag by them for an adventure at 3 AM. Like to spend time with their uncle shop. Would help him make sweets and promote their arts in the shop (which is why it's a popular place to go)

Birthday: ??

Immortal Magical book that possess a vast knowledge of the world. Always thirsty for new knowledge. Get excited to study new thing. Also enjoy teaching what he know

Ramuh Clearwater
Birthday: 12 January

Wise man. Is love by his family children. Smart and enjoy study the unknown. Manipulate thunder. Would drag his brother to some adventure. Often found him at his lab or outside at the garden. Doesn't like when someone touch his stuffs in the lab. Don't tease him to much if you don't want a lighting bolt strike on you.

Roman Clearwater
Birthday: 13 March

Half-fairy and Half-human. Is a kind soul. Would worry for his cousins and make sure they are out of trouble. Enjoy reading and create new stuffs. Also an amazing science teacher. Children love to spend time with him. They would cry when they have to leave. May be gentle with his family and students but fearless when someone hurt his cousins.

There you go! Also those that have ?? On their birthday is because they are immortal and doesn't see the point to have a date to celebrate their birthday. Hope it's ok ShiRo_wEeB

Inugami 🐺 out~

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