This miscellany is ARTISTIC because I say so

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NOTE: You can see all my collage artwork and other graphic designs on Instagram at


"I guess that's why they call it the blues..."

"Bosch x Corot"

A cat collage

* "A Spring Formal" (This was another design I repurposed at the last minute and used as an Ancilla illustration, but originally, it was just meant to be a collage. From here on I'll designate the repurposed-as-last-minute-illustrations with an asterisk)

* "Clytie"


 I made this to illustrate how I felt after I'd spent an entire month cramming for my insurance relicensing exams (which I have to do every two years) while simultaneously working full-time and fasting for Ramadan. I'm so glad Ramadan and relicensing study won't coincide again in my lifetime.

A couple of elemental studies. I may wind up using them to promote the Magnum Opus. I may not.

"Girl In the Woods"

"Have Some Colours" (you know those memes on Facebook and other social media platforms that ask someone to respond with a color that corresponds to how you feel about them?)

A very sapphic Hilda Doolittle collage


This is a Wattpad-safe version. 

Remember that Victoria's Secret campaign from 2013 or 1014 or thereabouts? I couldn't resist punning on it...


"Miss Havisham"

"Ophelia" - shoot, this needed to go on the first page of poetry illustrations, but I don't think I have room there. I'll just stuff it here for now.

* "Persephone"

"Pink Ghost"

"Roses, Roses"

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