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So I'm a bored little nugget so I'm kinda down with taking any graphics request

Mainly covers bc I just did a cover spree for a friend and I'm unsure if I should make a cover shop

I had one in the past called Wonderland ah lemme see if I still have it (I do!)

The story description is a tad cringy since I was a cringy noodle back in my first year of Wattpad

I might start another one up because I have gotten loads better I mean look at my very first cover I ever made for someone:

I really don't like how this turned out for a couple reasons:

-the cropping of the girls is really bad ngl

-I was in an anime cover phase meaning I'd use anime people because they were easier to crop into a cover instead of people

-the text got distorted and stretched

-the text is a bit too big, not to mention the placement

This isn't all bad though- I still kinda like it despite what my dislikes are, but guess what


This is one of my covers I made for the friend I mentioned:

A lot better, right?

The font is cleaner, the model in the picture is an actual girl gasp, I got better at manipulating things I was able to make the girl's hair look a brown blonde without it looking unnatural or not a good color (it was originally blonde before)

I made a pretty cover theme for her because she accidentally forgot to log out on my phone and instead of hacking or whatever you do these days, I made covers for all her books:

( Hey psst you should totally follow her fandomperson22 )

On second thought, I'm probably going to start up another cover shop since I like making covers- they're pretty pleasing

What do you think? :)

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