Lenny's Villian Contest

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Do you know hard it was to give her away goddamn

The only downside of winning the contest hh

I know you said a face was preferred and I guess she sorta does???? It's the Snapchat recognition thing before you put on a filter so (it'll make sense later)

((I did minor commentary on sone parts, especially her origin story))

Real Name: Cassidy Porter

Villian Name: Screen Filter

Gender: cis female

Origin story: Cassidy wasn't comfortable with her body shape and always compared herself with other people. Being a rich brat, her parents didn't think much of it and whenever brought up, her parents would give her a gift to shut her up (which obviously didn't work). She eventually took refuge in the Internet. She took advantage of the screen provided and took on the fake name of -loveyourfaults (which was ironic af since she didn't like her body figure). Making some friendships (where one or two were one-sided) here and there, she found it was easier to talk to certain things with them rather than her parents. She felt that she wasn't getting enough attention from the site ((liES)) and started to spin random stories to gain pity such as pretending to cut (she had a Photoshop artist Photoshop cut scars on a picture of her wrist) as well. It helped... ish, as it gained her 3 or 4 more followers/fans, but she felt as it wasn't enough ((well no shít, Sherlock)) so she decided to be post a bunch of pictures of herself, showing off perhaps a little too much skin and cleavage. This definitely got her the attention she wanted and got around 50 messages from guys and perverts whenever she logged back in.

Quite weirdly, she grew more comfortable with the Internet after this sudden jump with attention ((which she cheated her way to)). She soon expressed a lot of her opinions, most of which were hurtful to people. She flung stereotypes left and right whenever someone made a post. ((The following is meant as a joke and example, don't take offense please))

AsianKiddo: dude homework is the worst why do I even bother

-loveyourfaults: lol aren't you Asian??? You're supposed to love homework

Blondedotcom: I just got an 97.5% on my math test!!!

-loveyourfaults: stop lying- you're a blonde so you can't do shít on academics


She wasn't exposed until after a couple months of this going on and soon, her followers turned against her as well as other people who were fans of the one she had stereotyped against. Mean words were flung against her like "bítch" and "slut" and "pathetic" as well as a good amount of "kys" was there ((just look at the multimedia pretty much)). She found this way too hurtful towards her ego so she tried to fight back saying she was only joking but still flung insults at certain people. Eventually, she gave up after a 2 page message was sent of pure hate and saying how wrong it was (and other crude details like she should take her own life but I won't get too graphic)

Finally reaching the point where she figured enough was enough ((the point was reached 50 miles ago tbh)), she punched her freaking screen in frustration and since her parents were all like "Hey do you remember that super old monitor kind of computer that your great-grandfather built and probably did some creepy voodoo magic since he was really crazy and got put into an insane asylum for making a guy dissapear off the face of the Earth? Well, you're going to have to use that old hijink since we refuse to buy you a fancy new computer since you are way too spoiled" so it's not like her hand went through the screen and came out the other side. It was stuck in the box and she freaked out, not pulling her hand out which would've been the natural way to go. Her hand had been cut from punching the screen and the blood welled to the surface, where it mixed in with the software/the electronic-y stuff in computers. Obviously, liquids and electricity don't mix so you know where this leads.

Oh and don't forget the fact about her great-grandfather doing some wierd magic thingy on that computer so she wasn't normally electrocuted.

Instead, she got her face wiped off her, well, face I suppose, and her ears somehow turned an exaggerated elfin type. What was on her mind influenced this transformation becaude you know what she was thinking in all of this madness?

"Damn, I wonder how would this would look on Snapchat?"

Yeah, I'm just as flabbergasted as you are. ((I mean, freakin' Snapchat.))

So the face recognition thingy ((I think you can search it up somewhere idk)) you use to use a face filter got plastered onto her skin.

Oh and she got glitched in several places because of the magic thing.

She now seeks revenge among the people who pushed her to take the life of her computer and her sanity.

[781 words]

(Wow, this wasn't as worse than I thought but it's not the best story I've plotted whoops)

Personality: stereotypical, racist, egotistical, all talk but no action, lol what's being sweet

Powers: she uses "words" to hurt other people just as it did her. Depending on how hurtful they are, the more they would hurt.

Other: her face (or filter) depend on her mood so if her mood was really happy her face would have this filter:

((How she would get a mouth and eyes is lost on me))

Bonus fire/water instead of words:


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