Twisted Christmas Contest Entry

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Characters: El and Scout

Layers: 167

As you can see ^^ this took way too long to finish and I am ashamed for procrastinating on this for so long aha sobs


Here's a one shot I scrapped together from some trash can leftovers:

El hummed a random tune, shifting the weight of the head in her hand to a more comfortable stance. Doing her best to keep her hands steady, she threaded the needle through a previous hole in the skin that she assumed the stitches has been before. She smiled sadistically, pulling the needle back to close the opened wound as she repeated the motion. Her bracelets jangled merrily like bells, seemingly appropriate for the holiday season if perhaps there was not body parts lying aimlessly on the table. El set the head of Scout on the table harshly, it rolling slightly before shortly rocking back and forth, soon coming to a stop.

She peered over the festively wrapped box, a crazy twinkle in her maroon-like eyes. She  gave a short chortle as she hauled a dark-skinned forearm with a contrasting hand that wad poorly held together with failing stitches. The limbs were still warm and matted with still wet blood, indicating that Scout had been killed quite recently. It wouldn't have surprised El if her gifter had killed her at the doorstep before stuffing it into the box and ringing the bell before disappearing. She set the pair of limbs on the table beside the box, picking the head back up to resume her sewing. Wet tears still stained Scout's face as her fingerd pressed against them- the wretched thing must've been terrified to be ripped apart.

"Lenny's not going to be happy of this, oh no she is not," El remarked to herself with what seemed to be a gleeful undertone, cupping the head out in front of her. She gave a maniacal laugh, a large smile crossing over her face. "Reiko did a marvelous job on tearing apart this... thing!"

El's face furrowed in question, as if confused as to what the hell Scout even was, but it quickly passed and her smile returned. "Lenny would undoubtedly give me anything to have her precious Scout back, but she needs to know the pain that I was forced to go through. The pain of loss."


Extra stuff because heck man filters are super hecking nice


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