Enjoy Your Stay

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Sup people who have came to this book.

I am SnickerBum,or as a lot you know...MimiSnickersDoodles!You can call me Mimi or Snickers if you would like.It's cool!

As not a lot of you know,I deleted my account due to my parents figuring out about me having this social media.I am upset that everything I have done has been wiped out completely,but it is fine to restart I suppose!I won't continue on doing the Weirdest Drawings and Doodles since it will be confusing to continue doing the seventh one and I really want to do this art book series already!So stay tune everyone!

Anyways,I know a lot of you newcomers are confused as all balls at the moment so I apologize and I'll just get right on to this!

Welcome to this art book that will contain...Well art.There's gonna be doodles and digital art and other stuff,including some photographs(due to me being in a photography class that I enjoy a lot)!Don't know if you will be interested in most of it but I hope you enjoy the stuff on here.

Also here are rules on here:

-You can cuss but don't over do it

-Don't roleplay in the comments or I will remove the comments

-Donut steal art

-Gore may be here so keep your head up

-Too much Steven Universe doodles

-Hate on me and I shall stab you with Ronald McDonald

-And please please don't ask me to draw you something without asking me if the art trades,requests,etc. are closed

I won't post much since high school is taking over my life so I will be either too lazy or too tired to post any at all unless I am in the mood.Yeah I am that bad.


Bad dum tsstttttttt

Someone shoot my leg

No just kidding

Put down those polished weapons!

I just hope you enjoy your stay at Arte Latte!
For now I will see you latter!

Good bye fellow people!

-Snicker Bummer >w>)

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