2016: aka the year of great people's deaths and overall a bad year

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I know this belongs in scream spam but i just felt like cramming it in here because why not? To be honest, if it weren't for my precious family, it really didn't feel like Christmas. I remember being excited to be near family and being an honest Mexican, I'd eat tamales and champurrado. But it was so cold outside and my uncle didn't invite us to spend it over at his house this year. However I did celebrate it with my family, comfy and cozily. I got Pokemon Sun, A big Foxy plush, a 30 Sharpie pack and some rather snazzy earbuds. Its all i could ever ask for to be honest. My sister got a makeup bag and a new purse. Typical since she is girly XD
(might post pictures)

Getting to the 2016 rant again, many people died this year too. Mohammed Ali, Harambe, George Michael, Prince, David Bowie, Juan Gabriel, and many more legends. It is also upsetting to say that someone I knew, Fabriccio Patti died as well (2003-2016). I couldn't help but break in small tears when I heard George Michael died ON CHRISTMAS.
It was sad for me because of his song Last Christmas and how much I would play it many times. He was only 53. Harambe was upsetting too. Now, I know he's a meme and such but was it really needed to shoot him? I heard on the news that a psychotic man also beheaded five dogs...and he promised them a good home.

2017 may be a better year but it is already possible that many families will get torn apart and deported only because they weren't born here..
I'm happy to say my family wont be leaving or anything since we're all citizens but it tears my heart just thinking about it.

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