Dictator allegiances pt 2

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Whoooh almost done. Just have the queens w/ their kits and elders!!

lot of apprentices lmao

there is one set of siblings and one set of half-siblings. You'll probably get the siblings no sweat, but the half-siblings are probably hard to see.

SO let's get down to characters.

She was supposed to be in the previous page but I forgot to throw her in oops. So she's here! I honestly had a lot of trouble drawing her too?? I'm not sure why. Anyway, Shadowbreeze is just a real nice gal. She's not super vocal on her opinions, but she doesn't really like Burnetstar since he murdered her mentor, Sandwillow, in the first chapter. She's a bit shaky on her political opinions: she goes between "i hate burnetstar" to "ya know he's not bad." It confuses her just as much as it confuses you.

A stubborn, good-hearted, quiet boy. He sees the world in black and white-- either good or bad. No gray area. He daydreams a lot, and is just really innocent. A bit cliquish with his friends, he doesn't like to really talk or interact with cats outside of his friend group. With his few friends, though, he's very supportive and loving.

This!! Boy!! Very popular among his clanmates, he's basically the golden boy. He's funny, sassy, and soooo cute. He's he guy that the apprentices crush on. He's usually not very serious, but when he does get serious he's kind of scary....

       We all know her. We all kind of hate but like her. She's not good. She's kind of wild, like the teenager rebellious kind of wild. But she never grew out of the rebellion so she's doing and supporting bad things and thinking she's perfectly in the right. She's actually scared to be a mom, she doesn't want to do it. She'd rather show off that yes, she is better than all of the other she-cats. She's reasoning herself through it by saying that "by being Burnetstar's mate and mother of his kits, I'll be that much more powerful and important." She's aware but pushing down the fact that Burnetstar doesn't really love her for her, and the fact she doesn't truly have control over him. 

      He's also a very respected cat in the clan. He's mature, and smart, but super serious. He still believes in things that are not pro-Burnetstar, like freedom and whatever, but he pushes it the side in favor of supporting the leader. He's against starting a rebellion, as he doesn't want to see any of his clanmates get hurt. Surprising good with kits, not a very ambitious guy though. Doesn't like being a leader among others.

      Quiet and patient, Kestrelwhisker is one of the best trackers and the best hunter in the clan. He's very compassionate, but tends to stay separate from the rest of the clan. He's very laconic, and also observant. It's not that he doesn't like other cats; he loves his whole clan. He just would rather spend time by himself; he's pretty introverted. He's supposed to look more like a Somali but I wasn't thinking when I was coloring. I think his colors go lovely together though. 

Such a sweetie omg. She's a warrior, but due to her arthritis, Beetlestar decided she was off warrior duties even though she's so young. Instead, she helps out in camp. Repairing stuff, helping in the nursery, and helping the medicine cats are her typical duties. She does all of it with a motherly and loving attitude, and takes great pride in what she does. She's very non-confrontational, and has some anxiety about her past......... She has a half-sister, Minkpaw, who she loves very much.

Keeps to herself usually, she typically is seen only with her friends if she's seen with any cats at all. She's not very aggressive or over-bearing, she's just.. chill. Very chill. Patient, listens before she speaks. The mom of the group tbh, she listens to problems then gives advice. While she's usually relaxed and not super loud, she will voice her opinion on things that she's very passionate about.

Another sunshine boy, he's optimistic and bright. However, he isn't as all-around loves as Honeyfur because he's very blunt when giving opinions (Honeyfur tends to.. SUGAR COAT *hhaha* his words). He also has a tendency to be a bit dishonest, but not all the time and usually it's more stretching the truth. He still finds great joy in brightening his clanmates day by being happy. He's also quite good with kits.

I'll have to go back and edit him into the drawing later; he was entered after I had already finished the drawing and was mostly done with this. So he's a big fluffy tortoiseshell with green eyes. I'll probably base him of a Norwegian Forest Cat tbh. He used to be the Golden Warrior, the one everyone looked up to as the greatest. He was the ideal cat. Probably would've been the deputy if things had been a bit different........... Anyway, after Burnetstar's stunt of murdering Beetlestar and Sandwillow, he totally lost himself. It's like he's a different cat in the body of his old self. He's cautious, submissive, and self-loathing. He hates himself for not standing up for Sandwillow or any of the others. He should've fought Burnetstar. He hates himself for it. Absolutely hates himself. 

     She's 7 1/2 moons at the start of the fic, and is the most energetic one of the apprentice den. She's obnoxiously loud(tm) and literally has no idea what's going on half the time. She sees the best in others, and can be a bit naiive. She loves her sister, Cloudpaw, very much.

      Also 7 1/2 moons at the start of the fic, Cloudpaw is a sharp contrast to her sister. She's resigned and introverted. She thinks things through before she does things, and is very organized. She's friendly though, that she does share with her sister. She's often stressed, as she has much more intensive training due to her blindness. She works around the handicap, though, using her other senses to do her warrior duties. Think Daredevil but a cat.

      Okay but like he's got a feminine face it's canon because I say it's canon. He's 11 moons at the start of the fic. He's the Angry Boi. He's the one who does the The Office stare off into the distance. He loathes the energetic Skypaw; he doesn't see how a cat can be so energetic all the time. He strongly dislikes most cats, to think of it. He's really icy, and snappish. He's defensive when others criticize him, especially if they're his peer or below him. Typically more respectful toward older cats, unless he knows he's better than them. Doesn't open up, and doesn't really have any friends.

      He tries so hard to be Snakepaw's friend tbh but Snakepaw doesn't really like him lmao. I feel like he's kind of grown on Snakepaw, though, just a tiny bit. Anyway, Cricketpaw is 9 moons at the start of the fic. He's very friendly, and a total goofball. He has a hard time paying attention to things, and therefore tends to fail at following directions and rules. He tries his best though but like... he can't keep his mouth shut to save his skin. Tries to befriend everyone, has been working hard at Snakepaw since he became an apprentice. 

      I FORGOT TO DRAW HER CREAM TICKED MARKS OMG. Oh well. Anyway, Milkpaw really isn't a mean gal, she's pretty nice. Just a bit awkward and comes off as being self-righteous and a jerk. But she's not!! Most of the apprentices know by now that she's really not mean, just strict on herself. She has high standards for everyone. She's a very very strong believer in StarClan. It's part of her standards tbh, to even be passing to her, you must also follow and believe in StarClan. 


AHUFHHAONCM FINISHED WITH THIS PART. yeyeyye alright. onto the last part of hazeclan. I think I will do at least the leaders of the other clans?? They're important. 

If you were too lazy to read each cat's bio, the siblings were Cloudpaw and Skypaw, and the half-siblings are Minkpaw and Softfur. I think I kind of nailed the sibling similarities??

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