Natural fluffite

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Since I wanna put my next post all in one part I'm gonna post just this piece and then I have some pretty cool news to share! Trust me, you're gonna love it

^from the 29th, dreamy is the BEST I love her

Now for the news!!!! Since my cat Tasha sadly passed away in November, I've asked my parents to wait until spring to get a new one, and we agreed we would wait but we wanted to get Shadow [my current cat] a friend. Not just any friend though, for the first time ever we caved and adopted a kitten!!

AND,, AND I LOVE HER SO MUCH OH MY GOD!!!!! SHES SO SMALL AND SHES A TABICO AND WE NAMED HER  K I R B Y !!!!!! I suggested it but my parents ended up liking it best, it's the perfect name on so many levels [not all of them are because of the character believe it or not] and it really suits her!!

She's such a sweetheart, she's so playful and she'll play w/ anything and she's really adorable and curious and FRIENDLY and she snuggles right up beside you and sits on your lap and she already trusts us so much and I love her!!!!! Shadow's actually been pretty good about her, they're still not sure of one another but he hasn't been too aggressive!

Here she is!!!!!

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