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just some context,,, i texted DaNevGal this story paragraph by paragraph and it started off as just a joke but nev's reactions were priceless so i kept going and formed a 1331 word pipferson oneshot somehow

Philip dug his nails into Thomas' back, moaning out his name as the older man thrusted up into him. Tears formed in the smaller man's eyes from the nearly unbearable pleasure. As Philip rose up, Thomas pulled out. When Philip sunk down again, Thomas pounded up into him.

Then, the door creaked open.

"D-dad?" Philip gasped, clinging to Thomas' chest. "I-"

"What the fuck were you doing with my son, you /pedophile,/" Alexander sneered. "He's only seventeen!"

"Dad! I can explain!" Philip shuffled to get his clothes back on.

"Shh." Jefferson pressed a finger to his lips. "You don't need an explanation if you love someone."

"Jefferson, you're in your forties!" Hamilton hissed, grabbing his mug of coffee and chucking it at Thomas.

Thomas shrieked, grabbing the signed bill that would ensure that Alexander's debt plan got passed. He smirked, slowly tearing it.

Hamilton's eyes narrowed. "You wouldn't.."

"Oh, I would."

Philip whimpered, hiding behind Thomas.

Thomas finished ripping the bill, a malicious smirk on his face as Alexander's face heated up. He lunged at Jefferson, tackling him to the floor.

Philip gasped, trying to pull his father off. It wasn't that much of a challenge as Alexander really wasn't that tall.

Alex stood up, glaring at Philip and leaving the room. He slammed the door shut on the way out, making his way to Washington's office to report the illegal actions that were happening just down the hall.

"Jefferson is having sex with your son?" Washington raised an eyebrow. "And he is how old?"

"Pip is just seventeen," Alex muttered. "And Jefferson.. yeah. He's in his late forties."

"I'll see what I can do."

Philip was crying in Jefferson's embrace when George entered the office. Philip curled up closer to the southerners chest.

"Alexander reported-"

"Oh, he threatened to do that," Jefferson hummed. "His poor son had a panic attack, so I've been holding him like this for the past hour or so. Hamilton just played it up because I decided not to go through with his plan."

Washington nodded slowly. "So nothing illegal happened?"

Jefferson shook his head. "I'm sorry for the misunderstanding."

Washington left the office, ignoring Hamilton's questions as he returned to his desk.

Philip smiled at Thomas as he wiped the tears from the smaller man's eyes.

"You're amazing.. how you managed to get us out of that," Philip laughed quietly. "Wow.."

Jefferson snickered. "I've learned how to get to your father over the years, and this seemed like the easiest way."

"Oh," Philip looked down. "So I'm being used as a way to get back at my dad? Is that what this is?"

Jefferson's eyes widened. "No, not that! I just mean-"

"Can it. I'm telling Washington everything," Philip glared. "And, since I'm legally only seventeen, I'll be let off the hook."

Philip dashed to Washington's office, beginning to fake cry as he told the story of how Jefferson grabbed him and forced him into it, making him stay quiet and go along with his story to avoid suspicion.

Washington sighed. "Stay here, grandson. I'm calling the police."

Jefferson buried his face in his hands, trying to figure out how to get out of this. He always knew how to escape Alexander's traps, but he never realized how bright his son was.

Alexander met with Philip in Washington's office, holding him close to his chest as Philip continued to fake sob into his shoulder. "I-I'm sorry, pops.."

"He didn't give you a choice, did he?"


"So you have nothing to be sorry for," Alexander rubbed his back. "I'll get Betsey to come pick you up."

Philip nodded, looking at Thomas' office. His heart panged with guilt as he realized the love of his life would be in huge trouble.

Soon after, Eliza and her daughter Angelica showed up, trying to find Philip.

"Alexander, have you seen him?" Eliza asked.

"He went to the bathroom. He'll be right out."

But actually Jefferson was pounding into Philip in one of the stalls. The freckled boy moaned out, shaking from anticipation.

"I-I'm gonna-"

"M-me too, babygirl," Jefferson huffed. "C-count of three.."

"One.. t-two- hah- t-three~"

Jefferson finished inside of him, while Philip came all over the wall. He took a moment to regain his breath as pants and whimpers escaped his slightly parted lips.

"I love you, Philip," Jefferson brushed a hand over his cheek. "Please.. don't let them take you away from me."

Philip nodded. "I'll try, Tommy."

Hamilton walked into the bathroom. "Philip?"

Jefferson and Philip froze, realizing they were stuck in the stall until Alex left.

"I-I'll be right out, Pops!" Philip giggled nervously. "Get the car started!"

"Your mother is already waiting outside. Come on."

Philip gulped, crawling under the stall only to be met with Burr jacking off in the one over.

"Ew. Were you masturbating to our sex?" Philip hissed quietly.

Burr shrugged.

Philip rolled his eyes, continuing to crawl under the stalls until he got to the end, where he fixed himself up and opened the door.

"Come on, Philip," Alexander waved him over. "Eliza has to check in at the orphanage."

Philip laughed nervously, nodding and rushing out the door.

Angie was sitting in the car when Philip arrived. "Ew. It smells worse than when you and Eacker were a thing. The fuck happened?"

"Language!" Eliza warned.

Philip blushed bright red, looking out the window and ignoring his sister.

When they arrived home, Philip checked his phone to see a text from Thomas.

DaddyT💦: Get home safe??

Pipster: yeah. ang is onto me but other than all you gotta worry about are the cops I saw on the way here and my dad.

DaddyT💦: WHAT??

Philip wasn't lying. He saw multiple cop cars on the way home, and he strongly believed that they were after Thomas.

Pipster: good luck, daddy xx

Thomas sighed, cleaning the cum off of the wall with shitty toilet paper and flushing it. He left the stall and went back to his office.

The police burst in, immediately questioning Thomas.

"How old did you think he was?"

"He said he was eighteen," Thomas lied. "I'm so sorry for what I've done.. if I had known I wouldn't have touched him."

The police nodded, jotting some notes down. "How long have you known him, and what connections did you have with him?"

"I met him earlier this year," Thomas mumbled. "At an office party. His dad is my coworker."

The police nodded. "Is there any proof you didn't know his age?"

"No, but he told me his eighteenth birthday was a week ago. I didn't know him well enough to confirm if that was true or not."

The police nodded. "We'll speak to Philip Hamilton, and get back to you."

Philip was sitting on his bed when the police arrived. They started to question him.

"How old did you say you were?"

"Uh.." Philip tried to think of how Thomas would've answered these. "I told him I was of age... I really liked him and wanted him, so I lied.. I didn't.." he started to cry. "I didn't know he'd get in trouble for it.."

The police recorded his answer on the notepad. "And how long have you known him?"

"Almost a year now," Philip answered. "From some Christmas party.."

The police nodded. "The stories line up. Mr. Jefferson will only be charged, and not arrested."

Philip let out a sigh of relief, holding a stuffed animal close to his chest.

The police left the house, soon being replaced by Hamilton storming into his room. "I came home early, son. What happened?"

"He's fine, pops," Philip mumbles. "Nobody is getting arrested."

"Fucking shit bitch ass motherfucker asshole bitchass whiney ass hoe slut"

A few days later, Philip's actual birthday came around. He parades into Thomas' office in nothing but panties and a large trench coat.

"Hey, daddy. Guess what day it is."

Thomas smirked. "Come here, you."

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