The 7th

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**Rant, ignore of you don't care**
On January 7th, 2018 my cat passed away. It was one of the hardest things I've ever done because I sat there with him and watched him fight to live when I knew he wouldn't make it another 10 minutes... every month on the seventh day, I've gotten into a fight with my parents. My mother explicitly said to me "you need to move on" well what if I can't? It's not that easy. For the first week, maybe, everyone tiptoed around me like I was an expensive vase on the brink of falling apart. Then after that, it was like everyone forgot I was grieving at all. This is hard for me because that cat was with me for over seven years. Being a young teen, that's almost half my lifespan. I'm sorry that I'm being annoying and ranting. I just can't really rant to anyone right now and writing down how I feel makes me feel better. Just ignore this if you'd like. I just wanted my thoughts on paper and a safe space to grieve. Thanks for reading this if you did. Don't worry about me, most days I'm fine. Just today... the seventh is always hard.

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