Rod ans his Future Daughter

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Rod: My Child- you look just like me when I was Younger! 😭💖
Mery: what?- O-O

My Gacha design lol

I just imagined Rod to Have a Child and that child would basically look A LOT Like him, Pretty much even the same-ish Hair/Hairstyle
They both even Have the same Rosy Cheeks :DD
I even Imagine Rod to Try and keep her From having too Much Junk food and eat mostly Healthy food like his own Foster Father did- cause He doesn't want her to go through The same Pain he did :( He especially wouldn't want her to repeat What He did, become evil and make kids fat and do Cannibalism stuff 😓
I just found it Very sweet that Rod would have a kid that doesn't only look like him but also Have The same personality like him when he was younger yk :DD

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