the first shortstory

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horrah. starting this book off sTRONG


"Have you learned your lesson yet, Featherpounce?" The cat's tone was so eerily soft, that it somehow his all the sinister thoughts going through the speaker's brain.

   "Mousestar, I will continue to fight for my Clan, even if you take away my life. StarClan won't let you get away with this forever." Featherpounce bit back, her long tail sweeping around her paws. It was once long and soft, but now, her tabby pelt was ragged and torn from three moons in an old badger's den.

   "Very well. Then you shall be executed in three days, the night of the full moon. Go to the weak den." The leader replied, head high.

   "Do what you wish to me, Mousestar. You won't forget this day." Featherpounce muttered, then rose to her paws and slowly made her way to the weak den, a pile of brambles and thorns just outside of camp.

   Featherpounce's gaze softened when she saw the cats already there.

   There were three weak cats laying in their makeshift nests, staring up at her with tired eyes and drooped ears. One was a cream she-cat, named Sandfur, who wished to stay at camp and care for the kits instead of fighting, getting thrown into the weak den for 'being too feeble to even try'.

   Another was a gray tabby tom, named Stoneheart, who appeared to be the oldest. His eyes were torn and half-shut, scars left from his punishment. His 'crime' was helping an orphaned kit behind Mousestar's back.

   And finally, a cat who only looked a day over five moons. His named was Pebblekit. He had asked his mother when he could run away to ShadowClan, and apparently Mousestar found out.

   Featherpounce had been a witness of their punishments and 'weak den ceremonies'. She saw the horrified looks on their kins' faces, and she always hoped she wouldn't find herself in front of Mousestar like that.

   But, it did happen. Featherpounce was caught giving a vole to ShadowClan cats. As a kit, she was stolen from ShadowClan during a raid, and was now stuck in terrible, terrible ThunderClan.

   "Hello. Featherpounce, is it?" The cream she-cat croaked out, her voice hoarse. It made Featherpounce shudder.

   "Yes. I've missed your good spirit, Sandfur." Featherpounce mumbled, climbing into the cramped excuse for a den, circling as she tried to push out the thorns.

   "Don't waste your energy, it doesn't work. You'll get used to the feeling." Pebblekit mewed, his words disturbing for a cat so young.

   "And I've missed your bravery. Oh, Featherpounce... Look at you. It looks like Mousestar has amped the punishments." Sandfur sighed, tiredly lapping her tongue over the other she-cat's matted flank.

   "He sent me to live in an old badger den for three moons." Featherpounce explained. Pebblekit had his head tilted to look at her, but Stoneheart had curled up into a tight ball.

   "That's terrible. I really do despise that cat. Mousestar doesn't deserve a leadership." Sandfur spat, lips curling in hatred.

   "Don't worry, Sandfur. We'll get out of here. Plus, you all have at least another four days until execution, so-" Featherpounce was stopped by Sandfur's upset stare.

   "Actually, little Pebblekit is to be executed tomorrow. Just this morning somecat came and told us Mousestar bumped it up." She huffed.

   Featherpounce didn't reply, but she cast a fearful and upset look at Pebblekit. He had moved himself away, and was now curled up next to Stoneheart.

   "Poor kit..." Featherpounce looked back at Sandfur, "But, I promise you. I will get you out, even if it means pulling the stars from the sky."

~ ☆ ~

The next dawn, Featherpounce woke early from a thorn in her side, but she ignored it. Somebody was exiting camp and coming their way.

   It was Larchsong, one of the warriors.

   "Pebblekit... Come with me." She muttered. Though her words were emotionless, her eyes told everything. Larchsong was just as upset as everyone else.

   Pebblekit slowly got up, giving a tiny smile to Featherpounce before he and Larchsong went back into camp.

   Featherpounce felt a horrible pang of emotion in her chest. Sandfur was soon awake, and then Stoneheart. Nobody had to explain why Pebblekit was missing.

   That day passed horribly slow. They remained in the den all day, not even chatting as they silently mourned the lost kit. Featherpounce watched cats come and go, counting the heartbeats between each patrol.

   The day after, Larchsong was back, but this time Mousestar was with her.

   "Stoneheart, Sandfur. Come with me." Mousestar demanded.

   Stoneheart rose to his paws, head low, but Sandfur stayed in place for a few moments. She wrapped her tail around Featherpounce, nuzzling the she-cat before rising too and leaving.

   Featherpounce found herself alone that day, having a mental war with herself. Should she lead a rebellion against Mousestar? Ask StarClan for help? Flee the Clan? But every answer was no. She couldn't lead a rebellion, she was only one cat. She couldn't ask StarClan, they had been silent for countless moons. She couldn't even run away, because then Mousestar would eventually track her down and drag her back.

   So all she did was wait. She waited, not speaking a single word. The day after that, Larchsong had returned.

   "I-I'm so sorry." She muttered, following it with, "Come with me."

   Those three words were what cemented Featherpounce's reality in her head and heart. "Come with me." They rang in her brain, over and over again, until she felt borderline dizzy. But she still rose and followed.

   Featherpounce shuddered when she saw Mousestar, seated calmly, with his fur groomed back and his eyes blank. The rest of the Clan was sitting in a cemicircle around him, their heads low.

   "Your execution day has come, Featherpounce. Are you sure you don't want to just abandon those cats across the river and end all this?" Mousestar asked, voice smooth.

   Though it was tempting, she shook her head. Featherpounce stood her ground, her pelt a matted mess and her eyes restless. But she didn't bow, or crouch, or even turn and run away. She had to face this.

   "Well then. I guess we've decided. Runningbird, Webfoot," Mousestar gestured to the cats with his tail as they were addressed, "Hold her down."

   The two approached, guilt flashing in their gazes multiple times as they walked. Featherpounce knew none of her Clanmates wanted to live this way.

   "No. Do not restrain me." She spoke as calmly as she could. The two cats froze, but Mousestar perked his ears.

   "I shall simply stand here. Mousestar, do whatever you wish to me, as I said three days ago. StarClan will not let this go on forever." Featherpounce snarled, baring her teeth aggressively.

   "Hm. Very well. Runningbird, Webfoot, you may return to the others." As Mousestar finished the sentence, both cats turned and scampered back into the crowd.

   Mousestar then approached, sniffing Featherpounce for a few moments as he paced around her, not once stopping. Featherpounce grimaced, but remained where she was. No pathetic excuse for a leader such as Mousestar would get the best of her.

   "Do you have anything else you wish to say, Featherpounce?" Mousestar unsheathed his claws, eyeing her throat.

   "Yes, I do. You will regret the day you went against StarClan." The matted tabby lashed her mottled tail.

   "Oh, StarClan-MarClan." Mousestar snorted, then swiped his claws across Featherpounce's exposed throat.

   Featherpounce staggered back, vision blurring as blood dripped from the open wound. She then lost her balance, collapsing onto the grass. Featherpounce twitched her paws, tail, and ears a final few times, then fell still.

   Mousestar's muzzle curled into a grin as he flicked his tail, "Apprentices, bury this traitor."

   And they did. Featherpounce was buried next to the lake. Mousestar wanted her dumped into it, but since he wasn't here, the apprentices gave enough respect to her corpse by just burying her.

   But, when Leafbare rolled around again, a sickness like no cat had ever seen tore ThunderClan down. It struck many, and many died, but Mousestar was among them.

   A half-moon after his death, the territories were once again graced by Newleaf, and the sickness faded away. With Mousestar dead, a new leader, Robinstar, took over. She brought the Clan back from the dark times of Mousestar's leadership and mended all ties with ShadowClan.

   And in StarClan, Featherpounce was finally happy.


that was somewhat cliche

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