20 warriors questions

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1. Who is your most evil character?
Probably Blackpelt's mate, Fenneltail.

2. What prey animals are in your Clan?
Squirrels, lemmings, snowshoe hares, voles.

3. Who is the leader of your Clan?
Froststar ~ A huge, thick-furred white she-cat with copper eyes.

4. Who is the medicine cat of your Clan?
Pinewhisker ~ A dark brown tabby tom with a paler underside and green eyes.

5. Where is your Clan located?
A boreal forest.

6. Who is your main character?
Darkpaw ~ A small, lithe dark gray she-cat that appears almost black. She has a long, thin tail and yellow-green eyes.

7. Who is the most grumpy cat in the Clan?
Snowberry ~ A chubby, mottled gray tabby tom with yellow eyes.

8. How many kits are there currently?
Five, three to Volepelt and two to Blacksong.

9. What does StarClan think of your Clan?
Though they aren't the same as the StarClan who watches over the original four, they are protective and caring towards their Clan.

10. What is your Clan called?
MossClan, for the thick layer of moss that covers most of the forest floor.

11. Who is the most disloyal cat?
Sprucetail, a tom who, during a war, abandoned his Clan to fight for the winning side, their enemies.

12. Wars that your Clan has been in?
A war with their neighbors, DewClan, over territory. The war ended when DewClan got a new leader who didn't wish to fight.

13. Most hated Clan?
MossClan have managed to hold a grudge against DewClan, even after all the years.

14. Love or hate kittypets?
MossClan hardly mind them, but DewClan have a rule that kittypets are to be avoided.

15. Describe how most of the cats in your Clan are (fur length, color of pelt, etc).
Most cats of MossClan have thick, soft fur and more natural-toned colors. They are often smaller than twoleg-born cats, but with more muscle.

16. Do you have any mentally ill cats?
Not currently, but in the past there was a cat who was Bipolar.

17. Do you have any homosexual cats?
Yes, Graypelt and Thymefeather.

18. Best fighter in your Clan?

19. Best hunter in your Clan?

20. Any loners?
Many, but only two tend to linger for long periods near the territory. Their names are Samwise, Coyote, and Misha.

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and idk whoever else wants to i guess

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