angry grunts

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ok do you see this?????

now like if you can happily do all these things I applaud you but

I hate these posts so much.

like this requires a lot of things:

- sleep frequently and normally
- having lots of friends willing to study
- exercising often
- eating good
- still have time to "take a break"


first off, being social and still sleeping normally is pretty hard. especially if you want to maintain a friendship for a long time. you will eventually be in a situation where your friend is lonely or needs you to talk at 3am. it happens to everyone

second, distractions are called distractions for a reason. their difficult to ignore.

third, does nobody know how hard it is to maintain a healthy friendship for a long time??? cause that is DIFFICULT. I don't know if it's just life going after me again, but I have a lot of trouble keeping up friendships for a long time

fourth, eating healthy and exercising over all that??? really??? like that's not how this works. if you have a friend or friends you have to eventually have days where you eat ice cream and vent. especially living now with all this great-tasting food that is technically killing you

fifth, and a break???????? what??????????

like these posts are just so unrealistic. at least to me, but you all already know that life is pretty much trying to screw me over, so I won't rant more

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