humans suck.

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hey so lemme list all the bad things that've happened to me caused by people. sorry if I seem desperate or something I'm just tired and in a vent mood

- grew up without a dad

- had another "dad", who was somewhat abusive and caused most of my picky eating problems

- had to get a cat-scan

- lost my house, my mom's car, and basically all of our furniture and house stuff

- had to move in with my grandma & grandpa

last one's a bad thing cause my grandma yells about everything and just is not fun to be around at all

so yeah I'm pretty sure life is out to get me and my family since my mom has divorced 2 times (technically 3) and my brother broke his head open and almost died. but whatever I guess I'll have to continue dealing with it

and I know ranting and listing my problems to people I don't know won't fix anything, but in some twisted way it makes me feel better. and I know I always say this but ask me stuff guys I like answering questions

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