more family stuff

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i wanna start off this with

  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ) 


yayy more family rants and stuff sorry u all know this but im in a rambling mood

ok so this is about my "dad"s

the guy i have basically no memory of except that one time he gave me some puzzle thing for my birthday

ok so basically his name's steve. idk whats up with him but he just cant take care of kids properly. i have a theory he has bipolar like my sister, but i forget if he's been diagnosed or not

so yeah he and my mom divorced when i was too young to remember it.  ive only seen him a few times, like on my birthdays or when hana (my sis) left to live with him in kansas

second, matt 

i literally want to watch this pathetic excuse for a human being burn and melt to death with zero pain medicine. i want him dead.

the memories are pretty fuzzy cause i was young, but mainly he yelled a ton and was a horrible person. i remember one time he hit me and i had to get a cat scan to make sure i didnt have brain damage (i didnt, thankfully)

but yeah, he left too. im glad he did, i never want to see that bastard ever again. he took our golden retriever parker and im honestly scared to know what happened to that poor dog. i loved parker so much and i hope i can one day adopt another golden retriever

third, dan. the most recent

hes older than my mom, and honestly, me and my brother never had a good feeling about him. he just seemed off

and turns out we were right. he promised my mom we could go to italy and have a good life together. he played with her dream of having a loving, good husband and used it t hurt us

he said he'd visit us, but faked sicknesses and even cancer as excuses. he faked getting heart surgery multiple times. we ended up selling everything in preparation, only for someone to tell us he'd been perfectly healthy in canada somewhere. yep. my mom wants to call a tv company and get on some show to expose him

yeah thats why i dont want or trust anyone who could be seen as a dad. 

and all that is why im stuck living at my grandma's

rant done

guys just saying u dont have to pity me half of this stuff doesnt majorly affect me

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