new bloodclan oc

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I need a new one,,

.:: || GENERAL || ::.

Name: Felidae
Meaning: His species

Sex: Male
Gender: Male (he/his)
Attracted To: She-cats

Clan: Formerly BloodClan
Rank: Rogue
Mentor: Fang
Apprentice(s): n/a


Positive Traits:
strong • good fighter

Neutral Traits:

Negative Traits:
sarcastic • snarky

Pelt: Brown tabby
Breed: Moggy
Eyes: Green
Voice: Critical
Scent: Garbage and thunderpaths

Battle: Excellent
Hunting: Fair
Scars: Missing right eye

.:: || HISTORY || ::.

.:: Kithood ::.
- Born a loner, he wandered the streets alone until he found a house that fed strays. He was nicknamed Felidae.
- During his first two moons there, an older, aggressive tom attacked him over a dish of tuna. Felidae lost his eye and fled.

.:: Apprenticeship ::.
- Felidae wandered the streets again, coming across a group of rogues names BloodClan.
- He was ordered to battle a strong she-cat named Sarah before joining.
- Somehow, Sarah slipped over her paws during the fight and Felidae managed to hold her down long enough. He was accepted and given to Fang.
- During training, Felidae was harshly critiqued and rarely praised even when he successfully caught prey or helped fend off attackers.
- Because of this, he grew to be more cold and critical himself, giving sarcastic replies when he was threatened and swiping at the others.

.:: Warriorhood ::.
- Felidae's training soon ended, and he was awarded as an official adult in BloodClan.
- He constantly started fights with the other cats, hissing and baring his teeth at everyone. Though this was a nuisance, the leader of the group didn't do anything to stop him.
- Felidae finally went too far one day and challenged their leader during a meeting. They fought, and as assumed, Felidae lost.
- They banished him from BloodClan, scratching him across the cheek as a mark of his betrayal. He ran off into the streets to become a wanderer again.

.:: || RELATIONSHIPS || ::.

.:: Mate and kits ::.
Mate: n/a
Kits: n/a

.:: Immediate family ::.
Father: Prince (black tom with amber eyes, kittypet)
Mother: Stripes (brown tabby she-cat with green eyes, loner)
Littermates: Four unknown cats
Siblings: Four unknown cats

.:: Extended family ::.
Paternal grandparents: n/a
Maternal grandparents: n/a

.:: || TRIVIA || ::.

- A story may feature him

- He lived a long life as a rogue after being banished

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