ok just

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I can hear my mom sleep-talking and just,,, it's making me feel happy for some reason????????? just cause she keeps saying things like "look how pretty that is" and "this could be a room" and stuff and it's making me happy cause I know she's dreaming about getting us a house

let me explain

so my family is kinda slowly recovering from getting wrecked (again) a few months ago. my mom has a job but her boss is kinda rude and snaps sometimes and it's not fun

and thus we don't have a house and so we've had to live at my grandma's, which is not fun either. I won't go in depth on that cause I'm pretty sure I've ranted about it before

I'm just happy she's dreaming about finding a house cause she's been trying her best and I wanna help her but idk how

( more on my grandma: earlier tonight she was watching the news and someone was talking about how trump was racist and stuff and she literally huffed and changed the channel saying "lies. so many lies" like trump was some perfect guy and I had to go upstairs and try to ignore it like I can't take it she thinks he's some perfect guy and she refuses to understand that trump isn't good and shouldn't be president )

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