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Four apprentices sat curiously at the belly of an elder, listening to a tale.

The elder's words spoke of someone who lived long ago, one who was cursed by wanderlust and dreams of a reality that didn't exist. They felt trapped within the confines of their Clan.

This cat was from a Clan far away, one where a leader was granted the strength, bravery, and wisdom of a million and the nine lives all leaders are given. They gained a new star-shaped marking on their forehead to show their power over everything within their land. Anyone who dared go against the leader was shunned from everyone and then executed on a decided date.

Along with the leader was the council. They made execution dates and served in place of a single deputy. When the leader died, the Clan would vote on a council member to take lead. If two cats got equal votes they would fight until one was dead or surrendered. Weakness wasn't to be tolerated.

One day, the cursed warrior wished to escape his Clan's harsh morals. He fled the territory and ran for moons. The warrior saw great forests, places where water fell hundreds of tree-lengths, and mazes of grass and flowers. The tom soon became lonely, though, and began to search for a partner to travel with.

The warrior searched for a long time, until he eventually met a pretty she-cat with a clever mind and the same longing for the unknown. The warrior said he could fulfill these dreams and so much more, so she agreed to join him.

The two became mates soon after, and even had a litter of kittens. They raised the kittens to travel and stay strong through the harshest of storms and darkest of nights.

When the kittens departed, the two wanderlust-cursed cats recalled the warrior's old home and realized that they didn't have much time left. Perhaps they could go back to the Clan and defeat the horrible leader and council.

They retraced their long steps back to the territory. The two came as wandering loners, challenging the leader to a fight. Underestimating the two, the leader agreed and said the fight shall begin now.

They fought. The leader used their weakest moves and seeing how weak he looked, the cursed warrior played dead. The leader assumed he'd won, and just then the warrior threw him off and scored his claws across the leader's belly.

The leader's guts spewed across the earth and his blood stained the grass. With a final, sky-shaking scream, he was gone.

The council was shocked. The cursed warrior and his mate said farewell and set off again. They died of starvation a moon later.

oops that was dumb

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