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Ok so it's been a long time since I've talked about my ocs here! There's been some pretty significant changes in the story I've made and in the designs and personality of my main characters

These are my main 6! If u can't read the writing, left to right: Amber, Nyx, Foxglove/Jade, Alice, Lila, and Owen

If any of you cared enough back when I was active to actually remember most of my ocs, you may notice a lack of Aisha in this lineup! I've talked about this a bit but basically, she didn't match the rest of the group. I have severely cut down all the extreme edginess of my ocs and tried to make them as normal as you can get in a world where magic and goddesses are real.

Aisha in particular had a very unrealistic and trauma-focused backstory that made her really hard to develope, and I couldn't reasonably make her normal without entirely restarting. She might be a side character or an old friend of some main character, she still exists in the world, she just lives a normal life with her wife Olivia lmao.

A character who DID have a good solid personality and realistic background is Owen! He's Amber's best friend since childhood, and they're basically sibling coded!

Nyx might also be unfamiliar, but she is the new version of Chaos. I created chaos 4 years ago and she is NOT Nyx. Nyx is a goddess of darkness and power, she is graceful and passionate. She is almost the opposite of the very unstable Chaos who didn't have a good motive for being the villain.

Nyx's motive is her jealousy. Her sisters, Lila and Orla, have all the power, all the love of the humans, and Nyx is left with a small cult, The Flaming Citadel. She decides to take the world by force to get the appreciation that she thinks she deserves, which creates an inbalence in the world as the shadows gain more power over the light.

All of my characters are linked together in some way. Amber, Owen, and Jade have known each other since childhood. Alice knows Amber because they both have had interactions with Nyx that left them with issues. Alice and Lila have a strong connection as Alice gets prophecies and dreams from Lila. Jade's powers, based in lightning, are connected to light and confidence, and she has a special relationship with Orla, the goddess of the sun.

It all circles around Amber and Nyx. They bring all the characters together, and their conflict is the main point of the story. Nyx has known for a long time that Amber was going to be the one to challenge her, and tried to get rid of her at one point, and when that failed she tried to bring Amber to her side in order to control her.

This leads to a huge confrontation where Amber is able to fight her off with help and training from Owen! She's really cool <3

IF you guys wanna hear a bunch of songs that inspired these plot points and personalities, my Spotify account is just Acatin, and I have playlists for everyone except Owen [just haven't gotten around to it]! I also have a Backseat Gang [Amber, Owen, Jade, and Felix] playlist with all kinds of cool music on it! I'm planning on making a playlist with all story related songs on it, in order of the moments the songs are associated with.

I'm impressed if anyone read all of that, bye lmao !!
If any of you care enough to ask questions go ahead I could talk abt these losers for days

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