I wanna have a contest

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Since the huge collab will take a really long time (Only a few people have actually joined) I want to have a contest. This won't be like any other contest I have done, no. This will be a writing contest!

The rules are such
1. The word minimum is around 3000, this is merely so I don't get a paragraph.
2. It must be suitable for at least older teenagers, so no smut
3. Swearing is fine and so is gore
4. It doesn't have to be one chapter, it can be a book if you want to
5. Have this done by March 5th
6. Have fun and please do not steal

So the prizes are as such
-Story plot created for you and only you plus conflict, villain, and protagonist
-A long term book of one story from my short story book
-A colored, shaded, digital, completely serious request. It will take a while but I don't want to disappoint. I will need a ref please. If you don't get me one I cannot do your request

-Story plot with conflict and protagonist
-Another chapter of a story of your choosing from my book
-A colored digital request

-Story plot with conflict
-Another chapter of a story of your choosing

Honorable mentions (If there will be any)
-A character you can use in a story

If you have any questions, please ask! Also, can you possibly spread his around? Maybe tag a few people who would be willing? I'm sorry, I just never have anyone join this sort of stuff. I would really appreciate it if more than one or two users join this.

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