Chapter 4 of Aspenfrost's Deminse

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For patchheart-

Aspenfrost panted as he padded towards camp with Evergreenkit, Juniperkit, and Violetkit in his mouth. His conscience kept telling him to go put the kits back next to their mother, who had no idea they were gone. But he couldn't. He and Bloomtail needed these kits! No one would know where they came from; it would be fine.

After walking for a bit, he sat the kits down gently. He sighed, exhausted from the ordeal. Suddenly, his actions came flooding back into his mind, drowning the other thoughts in a wave of guilt. He just stole kits! Kits he didn't even know! If anyone find out what he did, he could be severely punished.

The smallest kit meowed and protested as Aspenfrost put them down. Violetkit, he remembered. He leaned down towards his adopted kit's tiny face. "Don't worry," he soothed. "We'll be home soon, I promise." Violetkit's small paws fumbled in the air, making contact with Aspenfrost's nose. "Ouch," he laughed, rubbing his muzzle. "You're a fighter."

Once he had rested for a bit, he picked the kits up by their scruffs again. He padded slowly towards camp, deciding on what to say when he arrived. Would they believe him? Only time would tell.

It was beginning to become sundown when he stood on the outskirts of his clan's camp. He took a deep breath- as deep as he could muster with three kits in his mouth- and stepped through the entrance.

It took a moment for anyone to realize that he was there, but soon some cat did, causing his clan mates to stop what they were doing and stare at him. After a heartbeat of complete silence, he saw Bloomtail rush over to him, worried when he ran out of camp.

"Aspenfrost- oh," she began but broke off when she noticed the kits, who were meowing and moving around. He placed them on the ground, and prepared for his long speech and explanation.

"I was walking around the border after I received the news" -he looked at Bloomtail and she gazed sadly at her paws- "when I noticed these three kits sitting there, without any cat to protect them. My good self could not let them stay there, so I wait for a little bit to see if anyone would come for them. When no one came, I decided to collect them and take them home." He paused and lifted his head to glance at Ravinestar's glowing green eyes. "I was thinking it could make up for me and Bloomtail. If that's okay with you, Ravinestar."

When he finished, there was a ton of questions that were threw at him.

"Whose kits are they?"

"Why didn't you leave them?"

"What's their names?"

"Someone could have left them there for a minute to hunt or gather something."

"You should have left them there!"

"The mother will be worried sick!"

All of the questions and statements were making Aspenfrost's head hurt. His pelt was burning from cat's questions and concerns. Maybe he should have left them there...

"I, for one, am glad that you brought these lovely kits home."

Every cat stopped talking with that statement. Aspenfrost smiled at Bloomtail and her bravery to contradict everyone. Her loyalty made her an amazing mate and friend to have.

"Yeah, just because you can't have any of your own!"

Aspenfrost realized what Crowpaw voiced, shock filling his brain and replacing every thought. He growled lowly, pelt bristling. He was about to say something he probably would have regretted, right before the lean black apprentice received shushes from warriors beside him and a cuff on the ears by Redwing.

Despite the recent comment, Bloomtail kept her head high, making Aspenfrost feel pride blossom in his chest. "It's not just kits for Aspenfrost and I, it is also three new warriors for Coastclan. Ravinestar," she looked at her leader whose eyes were narrowed expectantly, "you always say that Coastclan can never have too many warriors. These kits will grow loyal to the clan over time and won't know about they're past. They will be advantages to the clan, not the other way around. Give them a chance because it will make all of our lives happier, especially mine and Aspenfrost's." She gazed warmly at Aspenfrost, which made him smile lovingly.

Ravinestar stood looking at Aspenfrost, the three kits, and Bloomtail, contemplating his reply and answer. "I think that Bloomtail makes a valid point," he began slowly, "but our clan already has enough warriors. Our Nursers and Queens have recently had lots of kits" -he glanced at Stormywater and the other Nursers and Queens who grinned- "and we have many apprentices." -he raised his tail tip to point at the apprentices, whose chests were swelled with pride at being mentioned by their leader- "We are running low at room how it is already, Aspenfrost, Bloomtail. I just don't think we need these kits. I'm sorry,"

Aspenfrost's heart dropped, despair and anger filling it instead of hope. He glared at Ravinestar and placed a reassuring tail tip on Bloomtail's sagging shoulders.

Harmonystep, the clan's Meditator, stepped forward to join Aspenfrost and Bloomtail's side. Aspenfrost looked up, seeing a warm smile on the golden she-cat's kind face. "Ravinestar, if I may," she looked at her leader who nodded for her to go on. "I know you have your reasons, and, if I say so myself, they make lots of sense. But can't you see that Bloomtail is grieving over the devistating news that she and Aspenfrost have just received? Can't you see that the couple's hearts are torn into pieces?Can't you realize that their lives have been changed forever? Ravinestar, in being our leader, you have nine lives. One of them must have been compassion, if I remember correctly." Ravinestar's eyes flashed with a memory that no one else could see. "Your duty to the clan is to insure that every cat is safe and well nourished when their with us, even if that means that sometimes not every cat gets what they want. But this time, let the two get what they want, not what others think is best. Let them have the kits, for their sake. They need them." Harmonystep finished with a look of self-satisfaction and even complacent.

Aspenfrost was so happy and grateful to Harmonystep that his eyes were watering. He blinked them away quickly, hoping that her amazing disagreement was enough to persuade Ravinestar.

Ravinestar took a moment to study Harmonystep and then dipped his head respectably at her. "Oh, fine, the kits may stay." When Aspenfrost and Bloomtail and some of the other clan members were celebrating, Ravinestar smiled. "Next time," he muttered to himself playfully, "I ban the Meditator from stepping in." He turned and padded back to his den. "Get them settled in," he called over his shoulder.

Aspenfrost heard their leader, feeling suddenly friendly towards Ravinestar. "Yes, Ravinestar!" He answered happily. He picked up the kits and started towards the Nurser and Queens' den. The other Nursers and Queens's followed him and Bloomtail inside. About that time, every cat had settle down, returning to their duties.

"Lakewhisper," Bloomtail meowed and nodded towards the Nurser. "has recently lost her two kits. She has milk left and can take these three." Lakewhisper was still mourning over the loss of her kits, but smiled anyway at the proposition.

"Hey, Aspenfrost, what's their names?" Rainforest asked excitedly and every cat agreed, leaning in from anticipation. Bloomtail blinked at him, waiting.

"Violetkit is the small, dusky brown one." Aspenfrost replied. He finally decided on letting them keep their names, just because he wanted to honor Ashenlily somehow. And he liked the names. "Evergreenkit is the largest, and Juniperkit is the lightest one."

The other she-cats around him crooned and "awed"over the kits, making him grin wildly. It was a dream come true. He and Bloomtail finally had kits.

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