Day 12:Forgot

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Doctor:How is the young hatchling that we brought in?

Nurse:He seems to have a major case of amnesia, doctor. *has a tight hold on her clipboard*

Doctor:That's pretty rare for dragons of his clan. I though that the Scales Clan were the toughest scaled ones out there.

Nurse:The gash won't go away eother.Could it be magic?

Doctor: No clue. Though he is our 70th paitent who has forgotten everything. Even the ability to speak.

There in the hospital room, a small dragon boy sits in the room. He just stares at the door. Not focusing on anything except the door. The IV tube to keep him hydrated is inserted in his arm, yet he doesn't seem bothered with it. 

If he was the 70th paitent, then what caise him and the other 69 to forget everything?


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