Day 13: Horns

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There were once three horns with powers that brought terror and chaos all across Mobius that  were intrusted into three clans to make sure that they do not fall into the hands of evil. Each has a power that only those fated to wield them can allow their sound to be heard once more. A holder that is prophesied every few hundred years to answer the invisible, each horn holds an ability of destruction that many love to possess. Now they lay dormant in hidden areas that are only known by those who are now deceased. Now shall we discuss the three horns of Mobius?

The "Horn of Misery" is one that infects the mind, causes one to face an endless labyrinth where phantoms of bad mistakes and regrets plague them with every twist and turn. Mentally tormenting the soul till they are broken from the pain. How it twists the memories one holds dear to transform it into one's own personal nightmare. A ghastly hold that will never let go. The souls that have been wrong hold you tight like an iron chain tender which mock you as they pull you into a hell theme abyss. Trapping you in that prison till death enters to set you free. Intrusted to the Shark Mobians who are known to be the undersea warriors of misery.. Protecting the cursed instrument as if it were a priceless relic. Any who are feels the least bit tempted, they get punished till their resolve is mended.

The "Horn of Souls" holds a deadly power. It steals the life force of any living thing, even the short life span of a flower.  How gemstones appear like eyes for each soul it acquires, some say that if one listens closely then the screams of those trapped souls will be audible. Few are aware that their souls have been taken, unknowns to them they are now under contract. Bodies obey the wielders command. Helpless to obey for it is no longer their will. Puppets who are attached to the music sounds. Becoming a husk of thy former glory is the ultimate humiliation in their lives. Gifted to a legendary musician that once served a castle court. Trusted by the royals to keep it safe, the only one who her majesty would bestow such a task. Rumors say that it was casted down a supposed bottomless chasm. Leaving behind a crytic note as his final masterpiece to Mobius.

The last Horn? Well that one has actually been found. A white rabbit stumbled upon it in the forests that she often walk through on the sun filled days. Believing that it would be a perfect gift for the boy she loved. Her brave Xerbus who is shorter than her and may not  be the best at expressing how he feels about her. Though she knows his eyes hold such for her that no words are required. Years have passed and that innocent rabbit has been stolen away. Breaking his heart  as he searches for her. Keeping it as a secret at first till friends came along to aid him in this quest. Close as family they have become. May they not hold him for keeping this secret secure.

He did not know that the instrument held such power. Knowing that if anyone found out than it may be target every hour. He never endanger his teammates for they have accepted him as their little brother. If any harm befell them.....he carry this burden all on his own. May one day he is granted a chance to atone. For a power this great that the horn he possess have, must NEVER fall in the hands of evil.

The "Horn of Revival" was thought to be a myth compared to the last two. It has a heavenly power that many hope to achieve. It may never allow another mobian to suffer from grief. Nature healing power rests within the heart of this horn, healing that can bring back one that has become lost. How tears of sorrow now become tears of joy. Granting a second chance of life to any boy or girl. A magical power that is both good and evil seek since it shall allow them a chance to breathe. The Echidnas were the ones selected to protect this sacred treasure till they were wiped from existence. Leaving only one left.The current holder is Tomas the Xerbus who is the "Sharpshooter of Team Teras" Though he is not the true holder. He'll fight till his final breath till destiny guides him to the true wielder. If only he knew that he was closer to them than he would except.... A mobian close to his heart...why did it have to be them...?


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