Day 6:Senior

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An incident during a mission has forced Centuriomon to dedigivolve to his champion form which no one except his father has seen. His friends are very worried to the point they ask Solisamon to get Clockmon to talk to him in his private interversal space. However, Solisamon rather have a one on one with her senior. She can only hope that he won't cream her for seeing his rare champion form.

Paradoxmon:*sighs as he takes time to reflect on how he could have lost Yvliamon if Smolumon had not intersected the attack. He is the oldest and has the most experience on the team, making him responsible for their safety*  I should have watched her back.....

Solisamon:*enters through a portal that is composed of zeroes and ones made by time themed Digimon only* Hello? Hello? *looks around to see a digimon that she assumes to be the champion form of Centuriomon*

Who else could it be? She knows that they are the only two that can travel throughout the verses. Though Bokomon and Blues did theorized that Solisamon fusing with another digimon or human may also give them the same ability. Thoughts on that can be put on hold since her best friend needs her right now.

Paradoxmon: *looks over and grumbles frustratedly* You have GOT to be KIDDING me *CAN'T HE HAVE SOME ALONE TIME RIGHT NOW?!* What are you doing here?! *sounds a bit grounchy than intented*

Solisamon:*unfazed. Walks over to her friend while being careful not to damage his dual blades before sitting beside him*

Paradoxmon: .......Sorry *Just because he is upset with himself, it does not mean that he should take it on her*

Solisamon:Wanna talk abo-*gets distracted by his little goat tail* Awwwww! *she pokes at it a bit* Sooo fluffy

Paradoxmon:......Stop it. *starts to get annoyed. It is already a headache when his two troublemakers mess with it in his ultimate form*  I am their Senior, Solisamon....I  nearly lose Yvliamon because I was so focused on taking the enemy head on.....Now she is on a three day home rest to recover from an attack that could have deleted her.....*sadden as the terrified memories flash in his mind* I should be the one watching their back... not the attacker on the frontlines *sits on some crystal rocks * I failed.....*Solisamon could see the tear roll down his face.

Solisamon:*puts a comforting hand on his arm* No one is perfect. Even the greatest of leaders make a few mistakes every now and then. Sometimes it is beyond our control.....*recalls a few times that she seen Hiro like this*

Paradoxmon:*looks up* What do I do? How can I be the one they look up to when I put one of my friends in danger....

Solisamon:How you dedigivolve then? *even his hair reminds her of her goat fluff. How she wanted to pet it....*

Paradoxmon: When Yvliamon got hit from the second enemy attack....I just snapped....*he must have used Pendulum like never before. He did not delete them but he made sure that they would NOT get back out* I used so much energy that my body forced me to go back to my Champion form Paradoxmon.

Paradoxmon....Well there are time paradoxs so it makes sense for a digimon who is in charge of time and verses of all the Digital Worlds.

Solisamon:*smiles* Then you are fine. Real leaders take responsible in bad times and make ammends for their mistakes. You feeling guilty like this means that you genuinely take your role as senior seriously and how deeply you care for your friends. *pats his  back*

Paradoxmon:*thinks that Solisamon may be right. He still needs some time. Can....Can you stay here with me....? *hesitates to ask this* I need a bit longer before I am ready to face Yvliamonn.

Solisamon:Promise not leave till you are ready *leans against his arm as she gets comfy since it may be a while*

Paradoxmon:*grateful* Thank you *closes his eyes till he feels ready*

Milady:*watches from her space* Paradoxmon....please do not rush through this pain. You must not harden thy heart to be emotionless in times such as these. Reflecting on moments such as this mean that you are learning from the pain. To help grow and develop further as your own unique character. *decides to give both verse digimon a few days off till they are ready to get back to work*


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