Os page

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Okay so that is my drawing of him and his outfit. Isn't he so adorable x3

Kay so here's the page

Name: Os (pronounced Oz but also as, Aus, and legit, os. It depends on the person you are I say Oz x).

Outfit: baggy pants and a shirt that shows a cartoon ribcage with a red heart behind it. You can slightly see his actual bones from the neck part of his shirt. His face always has smeared red lipstick on it or any colored lipstick he has in hand. This is for some odd reason that is unsolved*winks* people in my live streams know of the reason.
Wears red devil horns for an unknown reason to, the horns seem to be detachable and able to be replaced by something else * WINKS VIOLENTLY* he also wears to different shoes with faces colored on them.

Body : his body itself isn't even that chubby except for his face. His eyes are always like that. Never open looking, though it's unknown if he can actually see or not.

I guess before he was a skeleton he was a boy. I've already established his past but I don't have time to explain it. Unless you wanna know....I might draw drawing if you do.

Personality: caring, pretty calm but excitable when people pump him up, he likes studying things and points out observations. Kinda blunt which makes him come out rude.
Could care less for others besides his friends.

Random facts:

Likes cookies a lot even though no one knows how he eats? Never gets scared in the way that you jump by others and when does it's usually just on purpose. Really likes make up(kinda obvious)

I can't think of anything else he's still in progress lol

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