Molly the Sea Vigilante

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Here's Molly's design for Vex_the_PartyCrasher's Pirate AU book :3

Personality (Pirate AU-wise): Sarcastic, egotistical, sneaky, cunning, clever, loyal, fiercely protective and mischievous

Likes: Gold, the one-liners she comes up with, her friends, her lifestyle and sea-shanties

Dislikes: The law, fish that look creepy, her past and anyone that tries to hurt her friends

Backstory: Molly was always known to be a bit of a troublemaker THAT was for sure. As a child, she grew up stealing from a small town on an island were she is infamously known as "The street-rat of the skies". However, she was caught and sent to prison after she was caught trying to steal a priceless ruby. However, while her ego was big, her street-smarts and regular smarts were just as big. So, under the cover of darkness, she managed to escape from the law and stole a small boat and rowed away from the island.

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