... A week later||Sketchbook

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Today I am back with things I drew for/ while I was at school. So this includes assignments from art class but also stuff I drew when I was bored during class + some other stuff I drew at home but on my school Ipad....

Nothing more to say tbh so let's get started



This was for art class.. I think I showed the sketch and refrence in a chapter but as far as I can remember I never showed the final result on wattpad. So here it is.. it was a lot of work and I learned that I hate working with pastels but I think it turned out nicely:)


This was also for art class:) We went to a museum and were tasked to draw some of the skulptures in the exhibition. I can't find a picture of the other sketch I did but at least I found this one:) I quite like it (the skulpture was made out of wood by the way)


Another assignment.. we had to use the shitty paint that we had at school and had to try and mimic the technique of the painter of a picture we got assigned to. I had the painting 'Frühstück der Ruderer' by Renoir:) We had to pick a small part of the painting and make it larger .. I am not super happy with the outcome.. I definitely needed more time because it took me sooo long to mix the colors (and they still didn't look good) but yeah it's fine.


I drew this a very long time ago during class but I think I haven't posted it (?) It's a train station but very messy.. still I think it has some nice colors (and you can still tell what it's supposed to be I think?)


Random Mansion I saw in Weimar.. tried to draw architecture and lost motivation very fast so it's very messy but I still think it has a nice vibe (I tried to make it look scary/haunted)


The train station in Weimar (I don't know why but after I came home from my trip to Weimar I was very motivated to draw architecture xd) I really like this one:)


Dazai with a hand that's for some reason way to small?? And aku in the background looking very much done with life


Oda :)) I for some reason really like this one


Ango .. I also really like this one xd


Chuuya and Dazai . I drew this during english class but I think it's decent


Random sketch:) (during german class)


My OC Keahi:)


Here he is again... I really like this one aswell:)


Another random sketch .. similar to the one in the last chapter:) (also inspired by @/_ciszej_ on instagram )


We did a little collaboration on an art discord server I am on and this was my part of the collaboration:)


I did a master study of a painting by JC Leyendecker and yeah I quite like it.. it's still a little messy but I think the folds look decent :) This something that I've been working on over the past months when ever I was bored during class so it's not perfect and not really finished xd

This is the original (I tried to copy it as best as I could to try and understand the technique a little and because I just love his artstyle)


This is the latest thing I drew on my Ipad.. I watched link click and I love it way too much. So I had to draw Lu Guang :) I highly recommend Link click by the way it's really good (I started watching during my finals and it did take up my mind completely to the point that I had to binge watch the show instead of studying because I couldn't think about anything else until I finished it xd)


Okay that's it for now..
Happy new year to you all ! How is everyone? I hope you're doing fine.. I have nothing else to say really,:)

Until the next chapter

Trüffi is sadly sick at the moment :(

I found a baby picture of the piggies recently:) Trüffel was so tiny back then and Streusi too

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