Chapter Two

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Artemis enjoyed the sun playing across his face. The wind whistled through the trees, sending the sweet scent of his Fairy Roses through the field. It had been a week since he'd last seen Holly, since she'd sang to him. Frankly, Artemis missed her. He'd had few nightmares since then, but on those few nights, he'd whisper the words of the lullaby Holly sang. He'd never imagined Holly could sing, nevertheless that well.

A low keening noise whistled toward him and his eyes snapped open. A cloudless blue sky appeared in his vision marred only by spiky auburn hair and mismatched eyes. A smile formed on her lips, quickly followed by one of his own. "Holly. It's great to see you!"

"You too Mudman." Holly righted herself, wings whirring soundlessly as she touched down on the overgrown grass. She sat on the ground next to Artemis as he himself sat up. Holly laughed and brushed her hand over his hair, dislodging bits of leaf and grass. "Sorry I couldn't come by earlier. Commander Kelp banned me from the surface until I finished my paperwork. It was piling up anyway."

Artemis gave her a sympathetic look. He knew how she hated desk jobs. "That's quite alright Holly. I presume you've completed the designated work?"

"O-of course." Holly glanced at him. He seemed to be doing much better today, and had even dressed into a long sleeved white button up shirt and black slacks. It was far from his usual three piece suit, but he was improving. Holly had enjoyed seeing Artemis in jeans and a t shirt for the first few weeks, then decided that the look on the Irish genius was slightly unnerving and so unlike him. That wasn't saying that Artemis shouldn't wear casual clothing, just not always.

The two friends continued to stare out into the grounds of the manor. The countless orange roses swayed in the wind around their feet. The day was peaceful and quiet, and they didn't need to talk to enjoy each other's company. Butler's raised voice jolted the both from their peaceful reverie. "I assure you, Mister Ciaran (Pronounced: keer-awn) that Mister Fowl will not appreciate this interruption of his afternoon. He-"

"This is a matter of Ireland's Garda Síochána. Witnesses testified to attending the boy's funeral, and now 7 months later someone appears claiming to be Artemis Fowl The Second-" Holly, reacting too late, failed to finish shielding before Mr. Ciaran had crested the hill. "What the hell was that?"

Artemis stood. "Mr. Ciaran. Is there a reason why you are intruding upon my private afternoon? I'm sure you saw the No Trespassing sign?" Mr. Ciaran, a middle aged man with balding red hair glowered at the teen.

He straightened up, moving his glasses up his nose. Even standing at his full height, Artemis himself was taller still by at least 2 inches. "As I was just explaining to your friend here," he shot a glare at Butler's chest, as he couldn't quite find his eyes, "I am from the Garda Síochána. Now, will you please tell me what that freak was? It was just there-"

Artemis' face had hardened in anger, though it quickly smoothed itself into a neutral expression. "Are you familiar with the way a mirage is formed?"

"Yes, of course!" Mr. Ciaran exclaimed indignantly. "But I assure, Master Fowl, that was not a mirage!"

"Then it was merely a trick of the eye. Now please, schedule an appointment via the Manor phone and I will get to you within the week. Thank you, Butler will show you out." His protests ignored, Butler ushered the Irishman away. Artemis stood at the crest of the hill, watching until the green clad figure had disappeared.

"Holly?" A shimmer to the right of him hardened and solidified, forming the form of the lithe elf. Artemis just caught her wiping her eyes before she straightened and smiled widely at him.

"That was close. At least he's gone now." Holly moved past him but Artemis' hand shot forward and caught her wrist. He bent down till they were at eye level.

"Holly, look at me." She raised her mismatched eyes to his. "You are not a freak. Okay? You're a beautiful, kind elf and that's all anyone needs to know."

Holly looked into his intense blue eyes and nodded. "Thank you Arty." He nodded and stood, offering his hand to her. They walked together toward the Manor. The sun was starting to set as the two friends entered the Manor. "I should probably shield whenever we walk the grounds, I would have Mesmerized Mr. Ciaran but with the sunlight, my magic wouldn't come."

"That would be a good idea," Artemis nodded.

"What will you tell him?" Holly pulled open the doors to the Living Room and jumped onto the velvety couch.

"I'll tell him my family found a ravaged body with a few of my physical characteristics on the Manor grounds, and thinking it was me, they held a funeral. I was actually in a coma and was taken into a hospital on the other side of the country and I finally found my way back, simple." Artemis sat next to her, crossing his legs neatly.

Holly shot him a dubious look. "You really think he'll buy that?" Artemis grinned wolfishly and raised an elegant brow.

"I can be very persuasive." Holly turned away and blushed.

"I've g-got to go now Artemis. I'll see you again Saturday." Holly jumped off the couch and grabbed her helmet laying on a nearby table.

Artemis followed her out the door. "Are you sure you won't stay for dinner?" Holly shook her head, strapping on her wings.

"No thanks, I've got to get back anyway." Her wings whirred to life, bringing Holly to Artemis' height."See you Arty." She leaned forward and kissed his cheek before shielding and flying back to Tara. The juvenile genius turned slightly pink and rested his palm on his cheek. The skin tingled and Artemis felt the soft whisper of her lips. He turned to go back inside, shutting the door behind him.


Holly turned in her equipment, heading back to her office. Though the day in Haven was just starting, she'd been awake since 4 in the morning, Moon o' meter time. She settled back in at her desk and started to rifle through her remaining paperwork. Despite what she'd told Artemis, she hadn't yet completed all her work.

Commander Trouble Kelp appeared in the doorway. "Captain Short. You're early today, it's only 6:30. Mind telling me where you've been?"

"What do you mean Trubs? I came early to finish The paperwork you asked me to," Holly said, feigning innocence.

Trouble raised a brow. "So you weren't with Fowl? Can you explain then why you rented a WhisperWing model at 4:30 in the morning?"

Holly sighed. "Fine, I was with him. But he's my best friend, Trouble. He needs me." The commander raised his brows, appraising her.

His next question startled Holly. "Do you love him?" She stared up at him in shock. What should she say? Did she love Artemis, her friend?

Meeting Trouble Kelp's eyes, she raised her head. "Of course I love him, he's my best friend." Holly stood to leave her office, she'd come back only when Trouble had left.

Commander Kelp watched her walk out, his heart breaking into pieces. "That's not what I meant," He yelled after her. Holly's only response was to give him The Finger.

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