The Mediocre Melodies

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Name : Orville Magic Elephant 

(Nickname : Orville, Orv, Magic) 

Gender : Male 

Age :  22

Birthday :  March 8th

Sexuality : GAYyy

Personality :  Orville the elephant is very social and very attentive. He pays attention to a lot of details, and he never forgets. He loves magic and fantasy, and believes that everything unexplainable reasoning is magic.  


*Original Au - Pig Patch 

*FNaF High - None. 

*Reversed Au - Mr. Hippo & Nedd Bear

How they view their friends : 

~Happy Frog - She's like a sister to me 

~Neddbear - Come on dude, don't feel like that!

~Pig Patch - .3 What a great dude. I guess he's... um... cute 

~Mr. Hippo - He's my bestie 




Likes : magic, the color orange and purple, being social, exotic foods, having fun, paying attention, I-spy, doing magic tricks. 

Dislikes : science, the color green, red and blue; being told to 'clean up', when someone else is doing magic (gets jealous), being left alone for too long. 

Theme song(s)

Lots Of Fun - Tryhardninja 

Name : Happy Birthday Fog 

(Nickname : Happy, B-day, Happy Frog)

Gender : Female 

Age : 22

Birthday : July 1

Sexuality : Bisexual (leans towards females)

Personality : Happy Frog is encouraging, bright, intelligent and artsy. She likes to write poetry and likes to make jokes (for example: wisecracks, may make silly noises or pull weird faces, bump into imaginary walls, and etc.) and really good at drawing comic books. She's basically the artist out of the Melodic Mediocres.

Relationship :

*Original Au - None. 

*FNaF High - None.

*Reversed Au - Pig Patch 

How they view their friends :

~Orville - He's magical! Like a brother to me! 

~Neddbear - .p 

~Pig Patch - Nice pun! 

~Mr. Hippo - He's swell! I love your stories!

Looks :



Likes : wisecracks, may make silly noises or pull weird faces, bumping into imaginary walls, making everyone laugh, the center of attention. Giving her friends nicknames 

Dislikes : bullies, bossy people, rude people, being called names, teasing.

Theme song(s)

Lots of Fun - Tryhardninja

Hello - OMFG

Hello - Adele 


Name : Nedd Southern Bear

(Nickname : Nedd, Neddbear, South )

Gender : Male 

Age : 23

Birthday : April 18

Sexuality : Asexual 

Personality : Nedd Bear : helpful, has a southern accent, creative and has a bit of low self esteem. He seems him and his friends as "secondary characters", and tries to keep his depression away from everyone else's happiness. He loves to snuggle and read a good book, and is obsessed with chocolate.

Relationship :

*Original Au - none. 

*FNaF High - None.

*Reversed Au - Orville & Mr. Hippo

How they view their friends :

~Orville - He's ... bright. But, still a secondary character... 

~Happy Frog - She's... so... happy and bright, but why? 

~Pig Patch - He's... funny... 

~Mr. Hippo - QwQ please don't make me sit thru your stories again... 

Looks :



Likes : ... being helpful, ...being around friends, ... *sighs* snuggling with a good book, reading, fantasy worlds, CHOCOLATE !

Dislikes : ... phobias... and anything else ... depression especially... I can't help it... 

Theme song(s)

Lots of Fun - Tryhardninja


Name : Pig Oinker Patch

(Nickname : Pig Patch , hates being called Oinker, Patch )

Gender : Male 

Age : 21

Birthday : July 7

Sexuality : Bisexual / pan 

Personality : Pig Patch is a funny dude. He loves making puns up, and using metaphors and turning those into puns. He's really laid back and doesn't seem serious, but he can get very serious when he's angry. He loves playing his banjo, and creating music for him and his friends.

Relationship :

*Original Au - Orville 

*FNaF High - None.

*Reversed Au - Happy Frog 

How they view their friends :


~Happy Frog - Heh... you're cool... Heh. You're funny 

~Neddbear - Dude. We'll always be here for you... please QwQ

~Mr. Hippo - Stories. Writing. My lord... 

Looks :



Likes : puns, metaphors, having fun, commenting and creating jokes, his banjo, music. 

Dislikes : being serious, getting angry, doing work, salty animatronics, bossy animatronics, can't handle the truth! 

Theme song(s)

Lots of Fun - Tryhardninja


Name : Mr. Hippo 

(Nickname : Mr. Hippo, Purple, the Author of the FFPS gang )

Gender : Male 

Age : 24

Birthday : September 20

Sexuality : straight 

Personality : Mr. Hippo loves writing stories. Sometimes Mr. Hippo drags on stories because he has nothing better to do, or because he doesn't want to be awkward standing around without a good story. Mr. Hippo's humor can be dry sometimes, but his stories are very long and interesting... 

Relationship :

*Original Au - None. 

*FNaF High - None.

*Reversed Au - Orville & Neddbear

How they view their friends :

~Orville - This reminds me of a story... yanno... It reminds me of one supper day in the park, I was having just a delightful...picnic with my good friend Orville. And I said to him, I said "Orville I...I have a story" and he said to me "What's the significance of the story?" and...I said to him, "O..Orville, not every story has to have significance, you know? Sometimes uh...y'know sometimes a story's just a story. you try to read into every little thing and find meaning in everything anyone says, you'll just drive yourself crazy – had a friend do it once, wasn't pretty, we talked about it for years and not only that but, you'll likely end up believing something you shouldn't believe and thinking something you shouldn't think o-o-or assuming something you shouldn't assume, you know? Sometimes" I said, "a story just a story. So just be quiet for one second of your life and eat your sandwich ok?"

Of course, it was only then I realised I made sandwiches and, poor Orville was...having such difficulty eating it! Elephants have those clumsy hands, you know? Actually, I-I suppose that's the problem. They don't have hands at all, do they? They're...they're all feet! I-I couldn't imagine someone asking me to eat a sandwich with my feet!

Now if I recall correctly there was a bakery nearby. I-I said to him "Orville, let me go get you some rye bread". Now, I-I'm unsure if elephants enjoy rye bread but, I assure you that Orville does. Now this was on a Tuesday which was good because rye bread was always fresh on Tuesday. They made sour-dough bread on Monday and threw it out Wednesday, or rather they...sold it at a discount for people wantin' to feed the ducks and then, probably at the end of the day finally they threw it all out. I-I don't recall.

I do remember a man who would bring his son to the bakery every Wednesday and then go feed the ducks. He would buy all of the sour-dough bread – of course, you know, you're not supposed to feed the ducks sour-dough bread at all! It swells up in their stomach and then they all die. It least that's what I've heard. You know, I-I never saw any ducks die myself but I did notice a substantial decrease in the duck population over the course of a few years. I just never thought to stop the man and tell him that he was killing the ducks by feeding them sour-dough bread! And if you want my opinion on the matter? Heh – and I told Orville this as well – If you wanna feed ducks or birds of any kind for that matter, it's best to buy seed. I mean, when you think about it, breads of any sort don't occur in nature. They don't grow on trees or spring up from the bushes. I don't think birds know what to do with bread.

What was I saying? Oh, oh yes yes. So I bought Orville some rye bread. What a fine day it was.

~Happy Frog - O-oh... um... let's see... this reminds me of that one play we went to... yanno... we were so happy, and you were bouncing up and down as usual. 

~Neddbear - It doesn't matter if we are secondary characters, it's about how we handle it. 

~Pig Patch - If you sit by the river long enough, you will see the body of your enemy float by. *chuckles* the tables have turned my dear friends. 

Looks :



Likes : reading, creating stories, talking, book genres, bowties, being around friends, remembering stuff, journals, paper, interesting stuff. 

Dislikes : being told to "shut up" , when something bad has happened, standing being awkward, the silent game. 

Theme song(s)

Lots of Fun - Tryhardninja

Happy Birthday - sung by Mr. Hippo's voice actor : Joe Gaundet

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